Why Apple iPhone 7 sales figure are not revealed

It is a risk that the management of the smartphone giant is not willing to take. Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that Cupertino will not make available the first weekend sales figures for the new smartphones, Apple iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.

Why Apple iPhone 7 sales figure are not revealed

The announcement came just before the two new models hit the market. In an unlikely move, the Apple top brass also declined the opportunity to make a triumphant press release after the release of Apple iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.

However, a team of researchers delved into the data of the first weekend sales of Apple iPhone 7 and 7 Plus in order to see how many users began using applications on their new sets.

This research did not provide the results of direct sales, but it does show the prevalent adoption trend. The researchers also used the historical data from the time of launching the iPhone 6S. This served as a kind of performance guide.

During the first weekend, Apple iPhone 7 sales picked up more than 1 percent of the iPhone market. IPhone 7 Plus only managed to pick up 0.o percent.

Over a similar period, iPhone 6S had picked up 1.37 percent and 6S Plus had picked up 0.35 percent last year. Obviously, the percentage is down but a point that should be noted here is that Apple has been pushing online sales.

This means that many of the smartphones are still on their way to being delivered to the users. This year, a lot of people opted for the internet option so that they could stay clear of the long lines.

All these users will be required to wait for some weeks before they get their hands on their sets. With more than 13 million sets that are expected to be sold over the weekend, the adoption number will surely increase once the new users have their sets, and they start using them.

This research makes it clear that Apple does not need to hide anything regarding the first weekend sales of Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. The percentages are a little bit down this year but the users of iOS have increased.

Moreover, the apparent drop in the sales figure reflects the difference between the actual sales and internet sales. In the latter case, the users still do not have possession of their sets.

That is why it was a wise idea on the part of Apple management not to release the sales figure of the first week to the press. The drop in sales would have been very difficult to explain to the general public.

Even stable sales would have been considered a negative since people automatically think that each year of Apple’s product must be bigger and better than the previous one.

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Article Author Details

Jen Robinson

Associate News Editor

1 Comment

  • Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched! Iphone 7 is a minimal upgrade from 6S and only ifanboys are lining up to buy it! Apple reveal sales data only when it’s good news, NEVER when it’s bad news. Case in point, Apple Watch, which is lumped into “other” category. Had Apple watch been a hit, sales would have been loudly touted by Apple brass!