Best SEO Plugins For WordPress For Free

Search engine optimization can generate a lot of traffic for websites and other blog posts. Increased traffic would result in effective marketing. This is the reason why many bloggers, websites and other players on the internet are looking for the best ways to improve their SEO rankings. This article brings to you a set of best SEO plugins for WordPress for free.

1: Yoast- WordPress SEO:

The first on the list of best SEO plugins for WordPress for free is WordPress SEO. This is the most popularly used plugin. It allows you to add keywords, optimum title, meta description, control the indexing of your blog and much more. It is said to be an all in one plugin.

Best SEO Plugins For WordPress For Free yoast

2: Broken Link Checker:

The second on the list of best SEO plugins for WordPress for free is broken link checker plugin. This is a very useful plugin that helps you identify any broken links that might have crept into your website. Broken links are dead ends and it is bad publicity to have them on your page. However, use this on a day or time when there is low traffic as it can slow down your website for a while.

Best SEO Plugins For WordPress For Free broken link checker

3: SEMRush:

The third on the list of best SEO plugins for WordPress for free is SEMRush. This allows you to analyze data for digital marketing. It lets you analyze competitor’s strategies, helps you get important back links and so on. You can learn about organic words that would help your rankings and so on.

Best SEO Plugins For WordPress For Free SEMRush

4: Google Keyword Planner:

The fourth on the list of best SEO plugins for WordPress for free is Google keyword Planner.  This is a free Google tool that gives you useful insights into the words that receive the most traffic, number of results that are generated for them and the difficulty level. Using this information you can plan your keywords to maximize your SEO rankings.

Best SEO Plugins For WordPress For Free Google Keyword Planner

5: Rel NoFollow Checkbox:

The fifth on the list of best SEO plugins for WordPress is Rel NoFollow Checkbox. This plugin helps you to not give another website authority on your WordPress article. When you use external links on your WordPress page, you relinquish certain amount of control which you can prevent with the use of this plugin. However universally blocking all links may not be to your advantage and you have to filter what you want to restrain. For more understand read what is nofollow and dofollow rel attribute.

Best SEO Plugins For WordPress For Free Rel NoFollow Checkbox

With these helpful plugin, maintaining a WordPress blog and working on its rankings is not very difficult. Choose the ones that best suit your purpose and SEO rankings won’t seem so daunting.

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TWB Editorial

1 Comment

  • Great list I optimize my blog post by using this seo plugin it does all the above and a whole lot more check SEO post content links out its free to use .Manythanks