Chelsea Handler Talk Show Ends on Netflix

Chelsea Handler has recently made an announcement through her social media account that she has cancelled Netflix show ‘Chelsea.’

Chelsea Handler Talk Show Ends on Netflix

This was her weekly talk show on the channel. Handler elaborated that she will be focusing more on activism. Moreover, she is also planning to write a book.

Handler will also be partnering with Netflix for an original documentary which will highlight her views about the prevailing political mood in America.

Comedy Talk Show

Chelsea handler has been credited with initializing the comedy talk show arena of Netflix. The episodes of her show spanned half an hour, and were aired 3 times during a week during the first season of the show.

Later, the time-frame of the episodes was increased to an hour during the second season.

Massive Fan Following

The show developed a massive fan following because it was a new and innovative platform for her work. However, initially the show struggled to find foot in the overcrowded talk show genre.

The rich deal with Netflix also allowed her to do a documentary series ‘Chelsea Does.’ This documentary was also very well received by her fans.

Handler’s Post

Chelsea Handler has shared her own perspective through a post on social media. She stated that the US elections and the events unfolding after Trump became president, have stimulated her like so many other people. It is rather clear to her that results of the next election will be very different.

She further elaborated that this is one of the reasons why she will not be returning for the next season of her show ‘Chelsea.’ She would rather devote more of her time acquiring knowledge and striving to become an active citizen. She will raise her voice in a meaningful manner.

Handler also stated that she will be speaking at colleges and try to interact with students in order to better understand the political division in America.

Continued Partnership with Netflix

Chelsea Handler is excited about her continued partnership with Netflix. They are working on a documentary in which Handler engages with people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds, and diverse political leanings.

She said that Netflix was very understanding and supportive. She declined to share further details of her upcoming documentary.

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Article Author Details

Jen Robinson

Associate News Editor