Clinton email case: FBI Director Wife Receives Huge Donations

Hillary Clinton’s operative Terry McAuliffe arranged large donations for the campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe. Jill McCabe is the wife of FBI director who is investigating the Clinton email case.

Wife of FBI director who is investigating the Clinton email case

Huge Donation

It has come to the knowledge of everyone that one of Clinton’s political action groups handed over a huge sum of five hundred thousand dollars to the State Senate campaign of Jill McCabe.

Dr. McCabe is a first time candidate and pouring such a huge amount into her campaign does not seem prudent.

It has also been revealed that Hillary Clinton herself helped raise big donations for Dr. McCabe.

Wall Street journal report

It has been reported by the Wall Street Journal that Terry McAuliffe donated five hundred thousand dollars to Dr. Jill’s campaign. McAuliffe is currently the governor of Virginia.Dr. Jill is contesting the 13th District senate seat of Virginia Commonwealth.

FBI Director Wife

As it happens, Jill McCabe is the wife of the deputy director of FBI Andrew McCabe. He is officially handling the Clinton emails case.

These official emails were found on Hillary Clinton’s private server when she was serving as the secretary of State.

Questionable connections

There are questionable connections between longtime democrat McAuliffe and the Clintons. He not only donated five hundred thousand dollars to Jill McCabe’s campaign, but also provided her with an extra support worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

McAuliffe has considerable influence in the democratic party of Virginia. The Daily Mail reported that Hillary also took time to headline a fundraiser for the novice politicians.

Of course, there is a possibility that such huge sums of money changing hands and ending up with Jill McCabe, is nothing but politics. The connection with the FBI director may be only incidental.

However, when one takes a closer look at the amount of money spent for the campaigning of that senate seat, thing start looking a little weird.

The question that comes to mind her is that why does the wife of an FBI director get almost seven hundred thousand dollars from the Democratic Party?

The same FBI officer who is investigating a very serious case against Hillary Clinton?

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