Home Remedies to Get Thicker Hair

Its obvious thicker hair makes you self-possessed. This is a confirmed fact that healthy and thicker hair gives you an attractive image.

Home Remedies to Get Thicker Hair

Now a day a lot of latest technologies and treatments are easily available like, hair transplants, laser devices, herbal treatment, some essential oil massage, medicines and many other ways. However, they are very expensive and have numerous side effects. But, there are many home remedies for thicker hair naturally that can give you an attractive look of thick hair.

Coconut Oil:

Home Remedies to Get Thicker Hair

  • Coconut oil comprises lauric acid and capric acid. Lauric acid is a triglyceride which provides a monoglyceride called monolaurin.
  • Take coconut oil almost 1-3 tablespoons depend upon your hair length.
  • Put on this oil on your scalp and massage by your fingertips.
    Keep on rubbing with unruffled hands for about 15-20 minutes.
  • This will indicate to good blood circulation, which is also needed for healthy hair.
  • Keep warm towel on your freshly massaged head wrapping all your hair for 30 minutes.
    Be conscious, the towel must only be warm and not hot.

Amla Oil:

Home Remedies to Get Thicker Hair

  • Combine 250 g of Amla powder to 4 liters of water.
    Boil it till almost the quantity leftovers ¼ of its original number. Keep on moving whereas it boils.
  • At this time take the other 100 g of Amla powder and, make a paste with the help of some water.
  • Mix this paste with 500 ml of coconut oil.
  • Mingle the before equipped 1 liter Amla decoction to the oil-Amla mix.
  • Boil it and create a thick solution. Smear it on your hair for 30 minutes it will absolutely make your hair thick.


Home Remedies to Get Thicker Hair

  • Onions mark your hair naturally thicker, as of their high sulfur content.
  • Sulfur in onion juice increases blood flow and give your hair stronger by opening up the holes of hair follicles, which are sometimes getting jammed due to filth, oils or some infection.
  • Sulfur also gives comforts in enhancement collagen production in your tissues which give a healthy growth of hair. This ingredient is considered best to make hair thicker home remedy.

Take 2 to 3 red onions. Cut them in small pieces and crush the sliced onion to extract their juice. Smear this onion juice on your scalp. Let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off your hair with a shampoo.

As we all knows hair loss is a common problem now a day. As hair seems as an asset that improves one’s physical looks, balding or weakening hair is an awkward thing. Thicker hair naturally is better than to use money on extravagant treatments and products.

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Article Author Details

Brandi Parker

Brandi Parker is the World Beast Deputy Entertainment Editor.