How To Write A Blog Post Your Worst Opponent Will Share

How To Write A Blog Post Your Worst Opponent Will Share

How To Write A Blog Post – You might blog for fun only or do this for money but enjoy the process nevertheless. Either way, even if you like writing and blogging, this rarely means that you expect nothing from your followers after you publish a new post.

After all, we all want to be acknowledged for what we do and we want to create something that will be appreciated by people – even if we do it mostly because we like the process.

And so even when we don’t expect to earn money or sell something with the help of our posts, we still want them to be shared at least. Shared a lot, of course – after all, we worked so hard to deliver this content.

However, shares don’t come simply because we want them to. In fact, to many of us, they come completely unexpectedly – we have no idea why this post is shared a lot and that one isn’t. This can be pretty frustrating, of course, but what’s even worse is that it makes us unable to improve our posts. After all, when we don’t know what leads to more shares, how can we write shareable posts on daily basis?

That’s why today we want to focus on things that can instantly make your posts more shared.

1. Dont be distant.

Unless you are a corporate blogger or an owner of a blog dedicated to business and personal finances, there’s no reason for you to be too formal. Moreover, even if your blog niche is serious, this doesn’t require you to write formally if you don’t want to.

You are able to pick any writing style you like as long as your blog is personal and isn’t limited by some guidelines coming from your bosses. So if you do have a choice, choose to connect to your audience instead of distancing yourself from them.

No matter what your niche is, there most likely is enough information about it on the internet. Many people read blogs not because they aren’t able to find this information elsewhere – they read them because blogs have a personal touch that serious articles often lack. If you talk to your audience like you are their friend, refer to the things that are relatable to them, and let your personality show, they will be able to connect with you. Moreover, they will feel something while reading your posts – and people like to share things that made them feel certain emotions.

2. Know your value.

We’ve already said above that your content probably isn’t as original as you would want it to be. There are people who write for same niches and probably already explored the topics you raise in one way or another.

That’s okay though. You are able to succeed even if you choose a niche that is already quite popular and widely explored. However, you need to find your value and remember it in order to achieve this.

What exactly does make your blog special? Maybe you write about that part of the niche that hasn’t been explored much yet? Maybe you come up DIY tutorials? Maybe you create your own illustrations or infographics for posts? Maybe you tell a personal story in every post? Or maybe it’s your writing style that catches attention?

Each and every blog is unique in some way. You have to find out what makes your blog unique, embrace this knowledge, and use it to improve your posts.

3. Keep it simple.

Many bloggers try to write longer posts, thinking they would seem more serious and appealing. While longer posts aren’t bad by themselves, they can be bad if you put less sense and more words into them.

There’s a huge difference between writing more and writing longer posts – but some bloggers do confuse these two things. Truth is most people like when the writing is precise – no complex words, no sentences that are hard to proceed, etc. It makes it much easier to understand the context of the post even when they read it quickly or simply scan it – and that’s what most people do these days because they don’t have much time to read everything posted online.

The formatting of the post matters a lot too. Make sure that your post doesn’t look like one big wall of text. Use subheadings to distinguish the most important points, use lists when it’s possible, and make paragraphs small enough, so it would be easy for the readers to process them. Use images when appropriate but be careful not to overdo here – when there are too many images, they could distract the readers from the text.

So if you make the post easy to read and easy to scan, this would instantly guarantee that more people will finish reading it.

4. Keep the audience interested.

There’s a reason writers spend so much time coming up with headlines and writing proper introductions. People decide whether they want to continue reading a certain post or not very quickly – after looking at it for 10-15 seconds. That’s why it’s so important to instantly hook them with an appealing headline and an intriguing introduction.

However, it is also important to keep them interested during the rest of the post. This doesn’t mean coming up with clickbaits or facts that won’t be explained later in the post. Simply giving them what they came for, be it a personal story or a useful content, is enough. You just have to make sure that a content is useful and the story is interesting until the very end.

These tips aren’t the cure for your blog or a 100 percent guarantee that you will succeed as a blogger. However, they can help you improve the quality of your posts a lot. They can also help you understand what you should focus on to make your posts more appealing to your audience.

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Article Author Details

Sophia Clark

Sophia Clark graduated from the University in the City of New York with B.A. in Journalism, 2011. She loves to share her thoughts with readers, for example, In her free time, she enjoys writing fiction as well as reading it.