NSA Chief reveals WikiLeaks Hacks planned by nation state

WikiLeaks hacks were deliberately engineered to obtain specific results. The head of NSA (National Security Agency) states the obvious on Tuesday in an interview.

NSA Chief reveals WikiLeaks Hacks

WikiLeaks Hacks

WikiLeaks Hacked and the release of emails by the whistleblower was not an isolated case. The head of the most powerful agencies in the US has recently revealed that it was done on purpose.

The whistleblower released internal emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) as well as Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

In the words of the NSA official, the act was a “conscious effort by a nation-state to attempt to achieve a specific effect.”

No Doubts

Michael S. Rogers, said that there is no doubt about this fact. He said this during an interview with the famous newspaper Wall Street Journal on Tuesday.

However, he further said that the act was not a casual one or something that happened by chance. The target was selected arbitrarily. Rogers had previously acknowledged in October of this year that Russian supported hackers were behind the WikiLeaks fiasco.

DNC compromised

In the early days of June, news came to light that the DNC had been fully compromised.This became public knowledge after a well known hacker Guccifer 2.0 released a host of documents that included memos and emails from the democratic campaign.

These documents also contained the emails that implied clearly that the DNC was favoring Hillary over Senator Bernie Sanders during the primaries.


The first casualty of these WikiLeaks Hacks Debbie Wasserman-Schultz of the DNC who immediately resigned when the documents became public.

Russian Links

WikiLeaks also revealed hundreds of other emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta.

Russian links in the WikiLeaks Hacks were suspected from the very beginning, however, American officials refrained from directly blaming them and planning and executing cyber attacks.

Only four days before the elections, DNC officials revealed that they had found irrefutable evidence that their offices had been bugged. The DNC also files a formal report with the FBI.

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