U.S. dentist Walter Palmer Allegedly Killed Cecil the Lion

A major incident happened in the history of Animal brutality as the famous lion in Zimbabwe Cecil of National Parks was skinned and beheaded. The person answerable for the passing of adored Zimbabwean lion was Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer who is being majorly criticized on social media by lion devotees and hunter haters.

U.S. dentist Walter Palmer Allegedly Killed Cecil the Lion

This happened on Tuesday when Walter James Palmer of Eden Prairie remunerated at least $50,000 to track and kill the animal. After the incident Zimbabwean authorities said that Palmer eventually killed Cecil who was a sheltered lion and one of the most well-known animals at the Hwange National Park.

The incident took place when Palmer shot the lion with a bow and arrow and after that a Zimbabwean specialized hunter ended him with a gun about forty hours later.

It is said that he was paid $55,000 to payoff park guards to agree on the killing. Only few people knows that there was a GPS collar on Cecil and is traced by the Oxford University research program.

If we look into the past Palmer was a big game hunter for many years and has also provide a false report to authorities in a case linking the slaying of a black bear.

Palmer after the incident issued a statement:

“I trusted on the skill of my native expert guides to guarantee a lawful hunt. I had no clue that the lion was a local preferred lion and was collared and in the program until the end of the hunt.”

Media is saying that Dr. Palmer is a dreadful and sociopathic rustler who likes brutalizing and slaying animals. This man must definitely go to trial and should be prosecuted and never permitted to exercise dentistry again.

The conservation group claims that Palmer drove with the guides to trap Cecil from the national park to an insecure part by strapping a dead animal to their vehicle.

This was all preplanned and when the animal was off the national park territory Palmer supposedly injured Cecil using a bow and arrow but the height of brutality is he did not kill him.

The group then chased the injured animal for 40 hours finally firing and slaying him. Most sadly Cecil was skinned and beheaded.

Palmer was also found guilty in 2008 for lying to a federal agent. Palmer acknowledged no misconduct and agreeing to pay a fine of more than $127,000.

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Article Author Details

Dan Nicholson

Senior editor at The World beast. Follow Tweets by @DanNicholson001