4 Common Misconceptions Regarding Orthodontists and Orthodontic Treatment for Children

Visiting an orthodontist to receive orthodontic treatment is of the utmost importance, especially for kids. This is because orthodontists can identify teeth irregularities or any condition that undermines the oral health of your child. Without the proper care and delay in treatment, children may suffer from a misalignment of teeth, tooth decay, and bite problems.

Young boy showing his braces.

Despite the significance of kids’ orthodontist and orthodontic treatment, there are still some parents who hesitate in bringing their children to a dental clinic due to misconceptions. Children may deal with an increased risk of developing an unwanted health condition. Here are some of the common misconceptions regarding orthodontists and orthodontic treatment for kids:

Orthodontic Treatment is Painful

Perhaps the most common misconception regarding orthodontic treatment is that it is painful. This may be true several decades ago when the application of braces required quite a lot of equipment, but thanks to the advancement in health sciences, this no longer holds.

Nowadays, orthodontists have new healthcare modalities and procedures when providing orthodontic treatment that no longer produce unnecessary pain. When you take your child for a visit to the dentist, you no longer have to worry that it would lead to a negative experience.

Orthodontic Treatment Is Only for Cosmetic Purposes

Some people think that the only reason why you should bring your child to a kids’ orthodontist is for them to have a “straight smile,” and that it is more of an aesthetic concern. Although there is indeed orthodontic treatment for cosmetic purposes, there are still other procedures that aim to treat dental health conditions.

According to an article, an orthodontist is a healthcare professional who helps in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of dental health problems. This means they also do procedures for the treatment of bite irregularities, asymmetrical jaw, and improper teeth alignment.

Only Older Kids Should Go to the Dentist

It is a common misconception that younger kids don’t have to go to the orthodontist and that only older kids should. This should not be the case. Oral health problems and conditions may differ for every child because of several factors that can predispose them. The best way to find out what these oral irregularities are is by visiting an orthodontic clinic.

 There is no age requirement for children to visit an orthodontic clinic because it is something that should be done regularly. And as a parent, you should be responsible enough to bring your child to an orthodontist to receive proper orthodontic treatment as soon as possible. This is because the longer you prolong oral irregularities, the more difficult treatment becomes.

 Orthodontic Treatment is Lengthy and Expensive

Every child has different needs and different health conditions. With that being said, the treatment for dental irregularities may differ for every child. Some children may only need a few sessions to treat a disorder, while other children may need a longer treatment plan as they may need more work than others.

 Other children may also respond to treatment differently, so there is no absolute period for the treatment length. Also, orthodontic treatment is relatively inexpensive nowadays compared to previous years. And some orthodontists provide affordable and high-quality services or procedures. 

 Going to an orthodontist can do wonders for your child, which is why you should prioritize getting orthodontic treatment for your kid as soon as possible. Don’t let the common misconceptions mentioned above stop you from letting your child receive the best treatment plans available. Visit a reputable orthodontist today, and improve your child’s oral health.




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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.