5 Self-Care Tips for Long-Haul Truck Drivers

5 Self-Care Tips for Long-Haul Truck Drivers

When you’re a long-haul truck driver, it can be difficult to take care of yourself. Not only can it be hard to get enough rest, but it’s tempting to eat whatever’s convenient at the time instead of healthier options. Follow these five self-care tips for long-haul truck drivers to improve your physical and mental well-being.

Stay Connected

Like any job that involves frequent travel, the distance can be hard on couples and families, not to mention keeping in touch with a group of friends. As much as possible, stay in regular contact with your loved ones even when you’re away. Doing so will keep you in a positive state of mind and make the times you’re away less stressful for everyone.

Educate Yourself

With the millions of audiobooks and podcasts out there, it’s easy to stay up-to-date on what’s happening in the world. However, audio media is an even better opportunity to educate yourself on various topics of interest. Listen to a book on improving your vegetable garden back home, or lend an ear to a general knowledge podcast like Ologies to learn about the science of everything.

Cook Your Own Meals

With almost any job, it’s easy to get into a rut where you’re just choosing meals based on convenience rather than nutritional value. However, it’s actually quite easy to bring a slow cooker or multi-purpose kitchen appliance in your truck and make dinner in your cab. Keep your fridge stocked with healthy ingredients and choose a pot with a secure lid.

Upgrade Your Mattress

If the mattress that came with your sleeper cab isn’t cutting it for you, either invest in a better one or get a pad you can lay on top. Remember that a stiff mattress is actually better for your back than a soft one. You’ll appreciate a quality night of sleep after several hours of driving.

Get Plenty of Exercise

People who work in sedentary jobs have a higher risk of health problems like weight gain, decreased metabolism, and higher blood pressure. Thankfully, an hour of exercise every day is a good way to counter the effects of constant sitting. It’s also one of the best ways to stay alert on long-haul trips.

We hope these five self-care tips for long-haul truck drivers prove to be helpful. Only you can make the choices necessary for keeping your mind and body in top condition.

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