5 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your New Website

As soon as your new website is up and running, you’ll start wondering how to get viewers and followers on your site and drive traffic. Getting more traffic to websites is a concern for anyone with their own site, from businesses to personal blogs. Thankfully, there are some tried and true methods for driving more web traffic to a specific place. Here are some methods that could work for you.

drive traffic

1. Creating Unique Content

Aside from all the tricks that exist for driving traffic, your top priority should be creating content that really helps your website stand out. Your end goal isn’t just driving traffic to your website so they can read one post and then never come back again. Posting consistently and being consistent about creating quality content is going to be the key to retaining website viewers. After you establish your cybersecurity with zero trust technology, it’s time to decide what kind of website you want to have.

You should be providing something that others need, whether you’re answering specific questions or reviewing books. And your content should be extremely fleshed out and should really hone in on the question at hand, rather than being vague or super generalized. When someone googles a topic relevant to your website, your goal should be for them to find that your website has the best possible answer, solution, or content for them. 

2. Include Relevant Keywords

Just about anyone who has a website has at least heard of the term SEO. SEO essentially refers to the keywords you should be using to ensure that your website pops up in relevant Google searches. There are a few websites that can help you find the relevant keywords for various posts. You should aim to use these words as organically as possible, as often as possible throughout your content. It should also be used in your URLs and titles, if possible. Utilizing keywords strategically can be expensive and time-consuming, so don’t hesitate to hire an SEO consultant if you feel you’re in over your head.

3. Engage With Social Media to Drive Traffic

A great way to drive more traffic to your main website is by having social media accounts attached to it. Social media should be like an extension of the website. You should have a posting schedule for both, and content should be mirrored on both. Driving traffic to your website via social media can be as simple as including links to new posts in your bio, using relevant hashtags, and changing your cover photo to advertise new content. Plus, social media gives you a way to engage with readers on a new level and keep them engaged with your content.

4. Send Enticing Newsletters

Bombarding people with emails is a good way to get them to unsubscribe, but using email in a tactful way can actually keep your audience engaged. You should be using the most intriguing bits of information from your content to lure them in and get them to click through to your posts. Visual content is a great way to inspire your readers to keep scrolling and a mobile-friendly link to your website is a lot easier for them than looking up your site every time they want to read.

You can make your emails personalized and friendly, making your readers feel like they’re part of an exclusive club when they sign up. Providing content curated to your loyal readers causes a cycle of loyalty that ensures they’ll keep checking up on your website so they don’t miss a post. Once you already have readers, your goal should be to make them feel special and keep them coming back.

5. Write Guest Posts

Lastly, writing guest posts for other websites is a great way to give your website a bigger presence on the world wide web. Try to find web publications that have content relevant to your website, vet them for authenticity and quality, and submit a pitch. Generating more web traffic doesn’t always have to be a technically difficult process – sometimes it’s just about putting yourself out there. 

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.