6 Ways To Simplify Your Cooking Routine

If you love cooking at home instead of eating out, you’re already a step ahead of the game when it comes to nutrition and saving money. However, cooking your own meals can be time-consuming and a messy kitchen almost always follows. Unlike professional chefs that have a large staff, you’re on your own in the kitchen. If you want to continue expanding on your culinary talents at home, here are six ways to simplify your cooking routine.

cooking at home

1. Keep Tools Organized

Looking around at your kitchen, you’ll notice it’s already built for organization. Your stove, refrigerator and sink are usually in a triangle shape minimizing the steps you need between each one. This organization should also follow in the way you keep your drawers and cupboards. Be sure to clean out both areas and eliminate utensils and pots you’ll never use again. Use a handy kitchen drawer organizer so that each piece is visible and you know exactly where to find it fast. 

2. Buy High-Quality Utensils

When it comes to filling your drawer organizer and cabinets, always buy high-quality utensils and pans. For example, purchasing the sharpest knives you can find will make cutting and prep a pleasure. Have a wide assortment of tools like kitchen shears, whisks, and wooden spoons. Keep a variety of professional-grade pots and pans such as stainless steel, non-stick and cast iron. While more expensive upfront, they conduct heat better and will last a lifetime. 

3. Stock Up on the Basics

Nothing puts the kibosh on cooking a meal faster than realizing you’re missing a key ingredient. This is particularly annoying if the ingredient is a staple that you should have in the kitchen. To prevent this from happening, inspect your pantry for basic herbs, spices, flour, sugar, and common ingredients like vinegar, soup stock and olive oil. Before shopping, peek in your refrigerator and make sure you’ve got butter, eggs and milk. When you run out of something, put it on your list immediately. 

4. Put Your Freezer To Work

You can save infinite amounts of time in the kitchen by putting your freezer to work. For example, whenever you buy fresh herbs for a recipe, chop the entire bunch and freeze them in baggies or ice cube trays instead of letting them go bad. When meat goes on sale, pick up a few extra packages and freeze them. Keep frequently used frozen items on hand such as spinach, peas and corn. You can also use your freezer to store soups and chowders so you have a meal when you truly don’t have time to cook.

5. Pre-Read Recipes Before Cooking

One of the greatest parts of cooking at home is trying new recipes. As excited as you are to start preparing your meal, always pre-read your recipe before doing anything. This eliminates surprise steps along the way that could stop, or even ruin the entire recipe. Once you’ve got an outline of how your dish is supposed to be cooked, save time by prepping. You can even chop your vegetables and prepare utensils a day ahead, reducing time spent in the kitchen to the bare minimum.

6. Use Creative Shortcuts

Even professional chefs use shortcuts in the kitchen that cut down on unnecessary clean-up. The next time you bake, line your tray with non-stick foil. It works like a dream and best of all, no mess! When you’re measuring shortening or peanut butter, line your cups with plastic wrap. You can also use a garlic press instead of chopping by hand for a truly aromatic dish. Never be ashamed to use time-saving shortcuts. Cooking is supposed to be fun and these products will inspire you to continue.

Cooking at home is much better for your health and is a great pastime to boot. When you simplify your routine with organizers, shortcuts and high-quality products, you’ll have time to look for even more delicious recipes!

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.