7 Health Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

You might have known from various sources that Omega 3 Fatty Acids are essential Fatty Acids that are absolutely necessary for you. Since, they are not produced in our body; we need to have foods which have them in plenty.

Health Benefits of Omega 3

The major sources of these are various fishes, which include, Mackerel, Tuna (Bluefin), Wild Salmon, Herring, Lake Trout, Anchovy, Halibut etc. If you cannot have fish, you can find them in plenty in Flaxseed, Walnuts and Chia seeds and also in Plant Oils like Canola Oils and Soybean Oil. They have a lot of health benefits of best omega 3 supplement and a few important ones are listed here briefly:

Health Benefits of Omega 3 Supplement:

#1 – Omega 3 helps in your vision:

Omega 3 helps in your vision

Since, the retina has these fatty acids as a major structural component, when not available in necessary quantities; it might affect your eyesight. Also it reduces the risk of permanent vision damage which leads to blindness.

#2 – Better Heart, Better Life:

Omega 3 takes care of various factors related to heart disease. They reduce Triglycerides and Blood Pressure, prevents Blood Clots and Plaque and also increases your good Cholesterol levels.

#3 – Takes care of Inflammation:

Though Inflammation is a response to infection in human body, when chronic, it lasts for a very long time. Chronic Inflammation can lead to cancer or even heart disease. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the making of substances and molecules linked to Inflammation and therefore notably reduce inflammation.

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#4 – Tackle Autoimmune Diseases:

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Growing older makes one more prone to autoimmune diseases and this is sometimes terrifying. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Type 1 Diabetes are the most common examples of this. Omega 3s help in the treatment of various autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and many more.

#5 – Omega 3s can be of help with the mental disorders:

Psychiatric disorders can sometimes be associated with low levels of Omega 3 Fatty Acids. It helps reduce behaving violently and also helps people with mood swings and relapses in the case of Bipolar Disorder.

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#6 – Sleep Better:

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Quality sleep is a requirement for a healthy life. Lack of good sleep sparks a lot of other problems like depression and obesity. Omega 3 supplements have been proven to increase the duration and also the quality of sleep.

#7 – Your Skin will Smile:

Your skin is composed of DHA which holds the responsibility for healthy cell membranes. To get soft and moist skin, which is supple and wrinkle free, you have got to have healthy cell membranes. Omega 3s helps you with these. They also help prevent damage by Sun.

There are some of the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. So make sure you take in a lot of Omega 3 Fatty Acids and keep yourself healthy. Staying healthy should be given a lot of priority, especially during times as these. Make taking care of yourself your first priority to keep yourself healthy throughout the life.

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Article Author Details

Raj Rana