9 Major Reasons to See a Periodontist


Your mouth, especially your gum line, is a crucial indicator of your overall health. Neglecting oral health can lead to severe conditions like periodontal disease, which, if left untreated, can put you at risk of osteoporosis, stroke, and heart disease. The good news is that gum disease can often be prevented by maintaining proper dental hygiene and seeking the expertise of an experienced periodontist before irreversible damage occurs. Curious about when you should visit a periodontal specialist? Keep reading to discover the ten major reasons you should consider doing so.

1. Swollen, bleeding, and red gumline

While a little bleeding after flossing is not uncommon, persistent swollen, red, and bleeding gums are cause for concern. These symptoms often indicate severe plaque buildup and early gingivitis. If you notice these signs, it’s crucial to visit a reputable periodontist promptly to identify and treat the underlying cause.

2. Gum recession

If you experience gum recession, where your gums pull away from your teeth, creating deep pockets between your teeth and gum line, it’s time to schedule an appointment with a periodontist. These issues require urgent attention and professional medical help.

3. Extremely sensitive teeth

Are your teeth overly sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks? Gum disease can lead to exposed tooth roots, weakening the teeth and causing increased sensitivity. If you face discomfort while consuming certain foods or beverages, seeking help from a gum disease specialist is essential.

4. Family history of gum disease

If you have a family history of gum disease, it’s prudent to visit a periodontal specialist for an evaluation. Gum disease can have a hereditary component, and early intervention can prevent potential complications.

5. Pregnancy

Pregnancy can lead to hormonal changes that cause swollen and bleeding gums. While these symptoms may not necessarily indicate periodontal disease, it’s essential to consult with a specialist to prevent the condition from worsening and to avoid more severe complications like tooth loss.

6. Age of 30 and older

If you are 30 years old or older and have never visited a periodontal specialist, it’s a wise preventive measure to do so. An evaluation can detect any potential issues early on, allowing for timely treatment before irreversible damage occurs.

7. Change of bite

If you notice a change in your bite pattern or experience difficulty chewing or speaking, seeking advice from an experienced periodontist is essential. Specialists in this field can best identify the reasons for the changes and provide suitable treatment options if needed.

8. Bad breath

You should never ignore your bad breath. The accumulating bacteria on your teeth generate awful-smelling toxins. Hence, if you start to have bad breath, this could very well be due development of gum disease.

9. Smoking habit

Smoking compromises the normal blood circulation to the gums. Healthy gums require adequate oxygen and nutrients to stay strong, and when compromised, they become susceptible to bacteria and plaque. As a result, those using tobacco are at a higher risk of developing oral infections. Moreover,  as their gums suffer more damage, their risk grows higher.  Regular dental checkups with your periodontist are necessary to detect such gum damage early.

The bottom line

Don’t ignore the problem if you start to notice something strange about your gums; instead, see a dental professional to get it properly diagnosed and treated. Neglecting the warnings your body sends you may cause the development of serious illnesses that are considerably more difficult or practically impossible to treat. Your periodontist can reduce your chance of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis by protecting your gums from the harm that bacteria and dental plaque may cause.

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Article Author Details

Amelia Grant

I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care, wellness and other advice that may be helpful for people.