Are E-Cigarettes Dangerous For Dental and Oral Health?



Electronic cigarettes are one of the most popular topics today. Their main idea is that they are less harmful than regular cigarettes and, as it were, are a “healthy alternative” to regular smoking. But is this the case for teeth and mouth? Let’s figure it out.

First, let’s look at the very idea of ??using electronic cigarettes. Millions of people around the world use electronic cigarettes and there has been an enormous amount of increase in sales of e-liquids. The revenue generated is huge, as the day passes there is a new retailer in the market with a new flavor. In the past few years, vampire vape e-liquids gained massive popularity and got sold in the market with huge numbers.

At the same time, scientists and researchers are asking to stop ads for vapes and e-cigarettes. For several years now, experts have urged smokers to stop buying vapes and to stop denying their harm.

Why Is This Happening?

Advertising promises that regular cigarettes are “95% more harmful than e-cigarettes,” and significant benefits are promised to smokers, including increased life expectancy. However, as it turns out, the studies on the safety of e-cigarettes cited by manufacturers are sponsored by the manufacturers themselves.

What Is An Electronic Cigarette?

This is an electronic device that heats up a special liquid, resulting in the release of an aerosol similar to smoke. This aerosol is inhaled by the user. The advertisement claims that the smoker avoids the toxic substances produced by a regular cigarette because the tobacco does not burn here.

However, it is not mentioned that the aerosol emitted by an electronic cigarette contains a large number of toxic compounds. The effect of which on the human body has not been studied in the long term, because electronic cigarettes appeared relatively recently by the standards of scientists.

Effects of E-Cigarettes on Oral Health

Let’s have a close look at the effects of e-cigarettes on the oral health of humans:

  • The threat of Oral Cancer

The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is susceptible to the aggressive effects of chemical compounds present in vaping products. This can be manifested by constant irritation of the mucous membrane and even chronic trauma. All this together can lead to an increase in cancer predisposition and, in fact, oral cancer.

  • Damage to Gums

Also, daily e-cigarette smoking can cause changes in the periodontal tissue (tissue surrounding the tooth), resulting in a rapid gums infection which can lead to serious problems. A serious gum infection if not treated well can lead to damage in the tissues and gums that support the teeth.

This might lead to permanent loss of a tooth and even worse, therefore it is mandatory to maintain oral hygiene.

  • Demineralization of the Enamel

Smoking vapes leads to loss of calcium from the tooth surface (demineralization of the enamel) in the cervical region. Especially in the anterior (front) teeth on the lower jaw (enamel first becomes thinner, and then disappears). This is due to the content of propylene glycol and glycerin, as well as various colors and sweeteners.

  • Leads to Tooth Decay

Reducing the amount of saliva when smoking e-cigarettes also helps these bacteria: the environment becomes more nutritious for them, natural hygiene becomes more difficult, and all this significantly thins the protective film of saliva and mineral components usually found on the surface of the enamel.

All of this together contributes to the rapid development of dental caries, so do not be surprised by the large number of new cavities at your next dental check-up.

Reality of Vaping

In theory, regular cigarettes are more dangerous, but in practice, a teenager who has smoked electronic cigarettes for less than a year has a lung condition equivalent to a 70-year-old smoker of regular cigarettes. Not bad, huh?

Just not damage to lungs, oral health but it can even explode, which seems like mini suicide. Several e-cigarettes have exploded right in the mouth of smokers and caused irreversible changes in soft tissues and facial skeleton.

Final Words

Electronic cigarettes are currently positioned as something harmless and safe, which prevent disease (lungs and heart) is a hoax, because even if they did not cause harm now, it is not known what will happen to the descendants of people who smoke them, as well as their reproductive system and the risk of developing chronic and genetic diseases.

This will be known only after a lapse of time, and all people using electronic cigarettes are conducting a dangerous experiment on themselves, and possibly on their future children and grandchildren, about which no one warned them.



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Article Author Details

Harry Miller