Learning How to Be the Best: 3 Inspiring Women from the Beauty Industry

“Never settle for anything.” You’ve heard this adage mentioned multiple times, especially when making important decisions. In the choices that you make, you look at the pros and cons of the options at hand and choose one which appears most promising. In the salon business, a lot of beauty school graduates become successful. It is always helpful to learn new things, such as health and beauty courses offered in beauty schools or academies. These graduates do not only have talent in both technical and soft skills, but they also have outstanding work ethics and a solid foundation in training.

health and beauty courses

Consider experience

 Ted Gibson, whose clients include Lupita Nyong’o, Emma Watson and Ashley Greene, has been in the business for more than 20 years. He emphasizes that the key to success is experience, training, and practice. 

In studying beauty courses, sometimes, talent is not enough. Talent needs to be nurtured or used in ways that would benefit yourself or the community. To cultivate something, a person needs to work and spend time on it. In a salon business, having an eye for which hairstyle fits the person can be borne by talent, experience, or both. This is where beauty courses may help you. For example, master trainers will demonstrate ways on how to style the hair. Despite learning a solid foundation that is designed to provide you with the proper know-how, working with many clients with different hair will give you more of an edge compared to those who have not been trained and those with no experience.

Consider an open mind

 Mara Roszak, the stylist to Emma Stone, Lily Collins, Zoe Saldana, and Carey Mulligan, advises new cosmetology learners to just say yes and agree to nearly everything when starting their career. It is the way of thinking that puts you on the road to learning and applying different techniques. 

In customer service, the quality of your work may reflect your values. An open mind will enable you to see how you can deliver service using many different approaches. For this reason, health and beauty courses encourage you to try techniques that may allow you to deliver the best work possible.

Consider ambition

 Mark Townsend did not start as a celebrity stylist. After graduating from beauty school, he moved to New York with only his blow dryer as a company. “Ambition is one of the keys to success. Without it, people will not have the drive to improve themselves and aspire for more,” says Mark.

The beauty courses will teach the importance of hiring good workers and retaining them. In this course, ambition becomes a positive thing. It inspires change. Ambition may sound polarising, but as a business owner, you should seek for people who plan to do bigger things. With a good moral background and excellent work ethics, your staff will not leave you and move on after some time. Consider hiring these people. Trust that your staff will not only learn from you, but you will also learn many things from them. 

At the risk of losing money, you cannot invest just in any school for your training. A right beauty school will give you the foundation you need, plus vital tips on choosing your materials and equipment. Equally important is a comprehensive and innovative training and learning to hire excellent people with good work ethics. Remember that everything you will learn can be used and applied to provide better service. Any valuable courses, principles, and training you come across will only help you achieve your dreams.

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Article Author Details

Helen Harry