
Data visualizations, maps, charts like Sankey diagram and infographics are great ways to grow your social media following and gain new followers. Fun information and stunning data that have been turned into eye-catching pictures will instantly brighten up your feed. They’re also a quick approach to positioning oneself as a thought leader in your profession by gaining credibility, building trust, and establishing yourself as a leader in your field.


Social media experts know that posting visual content leads to better levels of engagement, which translates to increased brand exposure, marketing reach, and ROI.

With access to large volumes of data, marketers often struggle to determine what they need to gauge performance, leaving them perplexed and unable to make decisions.

They may improve the quality and timeliness of their social media marketing decisions by utilizing data visualization. They’ll be able to comprehend large amounts of data better, make well-informed judgments, and deliver the outcomes to clients, executives, and managers clearly and appealingly. This will undoubtedly help to maintain their interest.


Likes and shares on social media are only a tiny part of the whole. It gives you a better insight into your target markets and how they interact with your business. Collecting social media data can assist you in determining the performance of each post, campaign, and network on which your company participates.

You may learn which platform generates the most leads and which content converts audiences using social media analytics. You may use social media data for more than just counting likes, shares, and impressions.

Audience Segmentation: You can segment your social media audience based on demographic criteria using analytics.

Lead Generating: You may design an accurate lead generation model based on the users’ behaviors on your social media profiles by analyzing social media data.

Sales Outreach: Social media analytics can be used by salespeople to tailor conversations and sales techniques.

You can utilize your statistics to determine where you need to engage with users more and where you should post less.

The following are the three steps in the social media analytics process:

Capturing: Defining a specific social media goal and capturing data to monitor your KPIs are essential steps in the process. Your social media KPIs must all be quantifiable.

Understanding: Recognizing which tactics operate on which networks. If users don’t engage with your material, something is wrong with your plan.

Presenting: Now that you’ve figured out how to visualize and display your social media data, it’s time to put it all together.


It takes effort and practice to create engaging visual content for social media. We have a few suggestions to assist you in speeding up the content creation process.


  • Produce regular social media material.

Your brand standards will aid you in creating visual social media material that is consistent and easily identifiable as belonging to your business. Whether images, graphics, or videos, use your brand colors and typography in your social media imagery. Brands can also create a few templates with interchangeable features for new postings.


  • Visuals for social media should be the correct size.

Every social networking platform has its image size requirements, so an image that works on Twitter might not function on Pinterest. Design your visuals with an image size recommendation in mind so that viewers can see them well no matter what channel they’re on.


  • Make your social media graphics more human.

Even if you are an organization, the year 2020 has demonstrated the significance of being human. This trend will continue until 2021 and beyond. Showing the people behind the company or adding funny artwork according to your brand guidelines can help make your social media pictures unique. Make an effort to produce brighter and more positive images – this will help you stand out while also providing users with the information they need.

  • Use graphics in conjunction with social media captions.

While a social media graphic is supposed to perform most of the work in customer acquisition, that doesn’t mean marketers should overlook the importance of compelling captions. A caption can add context to your image, and posing questions in captions encourages visitors to interact with your material.

Captions are also an excellent area to use hashtags to help people find your content.


  • Reduce the amount of text in social media visuals.

There’s a temptation to include more text in social media graphics, especially photos, to make them easier to interpret. That, however, does not do the visual justice.

If you have to ask people to read your graphic, it isn’t doing its job. The text you employ should draw attention to specific parts of the image or as a call to action.

The Remainder

A stunning social media image can boost the exposure and shareability of your content. The following are eight images you can make to increase social media traffic;

  • Data visualization
  • Images of the products
  • Visuals that have been reused
  • Content created by users
  • Screenshots and screencasts
  • Memes and GIFs
  • Infographics
  • Videos

It will be easier to develop more images fast and efficiently if you use the eight tips we gave for creating these pictures.


Visual communication can assist you in quickly conveying information to your audience. People, too, prefer to learn through pictures, which can help you enhance engagement.

Because your audience does not have to read through walls of text to get your message, images make your information more accessible. Visual communication also allows you to appeal to various audiences, and you can tailor your content to their preferences.

Visual communication is also a great approach to connect with your audience on an emotional level. Increased brand trust and loyalty may result as a result of this.

When you use emotional triggers in your marketing, your audience will connect that emotion to your business. If the visual content moves people, they will most likely share it with their friends and family, expanding your reach.

So, what exactly are you waiting for?

Improve audience engagement by including visual communication into your digital marketing plan.

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Article Author Details

Ryan Erwin

I have more than 12 years of experience in the field of Digital Marketing and Data Analysis, currently working as a Digital marketing specialist.