Cleaning Your Kitchen: The Right Way

Cleaning Your Kitchen

Your kitchen is the heart of your home, as it’s where both literal and figurative nourishment occurs. It’s possible that this is why a clean kitchen feels like the first stage of a spotless home. Even if you can’t keep your home in tip-top shape, cleaning your kitchen may help it feel like you have.

Here’s a rundown of what to clean, how to do it, and when to do so. But first, here are some pointers for keeping your kitchen cleaning brief and targeted if that’s what you want.

Remember to keep it simple

You’re not going for thorough cleaning of individual things, you’re going for a comprehensive clean. If you think about it, deep cleaning your dishwasher, disassembling the toaster, or scrubbing the grout is all unnecessary. Make a timetable to get around to each one of these tasks as soon as possible.

Using the right tools

Having the correct cleaning kit on hand makes any task more enjoyable and successful. For example, a razor blade scraper might come in useful for scraping gunk off your glass stovetop. While white vinegar is an effective cleaner, the acid in vinegar may harm natural stone countertops like granite.

1) Declutter the counters

You can’t clean around trash that isn’t supposed to be there in the first place. Remove everything from your counters that doesn’t belong there.

It’s time to try the laundry basket approach. Don’t get caught up or create a potential for distraction by putting things away one at a time right now. You may simply clear them off the counter. All of the counters might be cleared before you put anything where it belongs, or after the kitchen is completely clean.

2) Dust the cabinets and fridge

Regardless of the area you’re cleaning, beginning at the top and working your way down is always a good idea. You’ll be certain to clean up as debris and dust are dislodged and deposited on the next lower surface. In the kitchen, start with dusting the overhead light fixtures, your refrigerator door handles, and your cabinets’ tops.

3) Clean all appliances

Quickly clean your small appliances once you’re done. You don’t want to spend too much time on this, or clean too thoroughly, but it’s an excellent chance to shine and remove debris from your microwave, coffee machine, toaster/toaster oven, or stand mixer. Start by cleaning the insides of your toasters: emptying the crumbs. Wipe down the inside of your microwave with a solution of vinegar. Finish up by wiping off the outside of each small appliance.

4) Scrub down ovens, counters and the splashback

Once again, cleaning the oven on a different occasion might be preferable, but simply cleaning the outside may go a long way in giving your kitchen a spic-and-span appearance. Start at the top: If you have a gas cooktop, remove grills (you may want to soak them if they’re dirty) and clean the surface below. If you have electric burners, dilute dish soap may be used to clean them; and an electric glass cooktop is simple to clean: simply wash the entire thing down with warm soapy water.

The same goes for unclean counters and a kitchen splashback. When your counters, splashbacks and oven top is clean, use an all-purpose cleanser, white vinegar, or a dilute dish soap to wipe down the front. Don’t forget about the knobs and display!

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Suffian Ishfaq