Busy All the Time? Here’s How To Keep Exercise in Your Schedule

When you keep a busy schedule, it’s easy to let some tasks, even critical ones, fall by the wayside. However, taking care of your physical health should be a priority in even the most packed agendas.

If you’re struggling to work in a fitness routine, here are some suggestions to help you schedule exercise to make it a part of your daily plans.

exercise schedule

Choose Your Best Time of Day

There are advantages to working out first thing in the morning. Getting your fitness routine completed at the start of your day ensures that unplanned events or interruptions won’t sabotage your fitness strategy. A morning workout can also boost your energy level, starting you out on a high note.

However, while many fitness gurus adhere to the rule of exercising first thing in the morning, it may not be the optimal time slot for everyone. If you’re already getting up pretty early to start the daily grind, or if you’re just not a morning person, you may dread a sunrise workout or, worse, avoid it altogether. Don’t throw in the sweat towel if you don’t want to exercise in the morning. An evening visit to the gym or a neighborhood jog after supper provides the same health benefits. Try to avoid strenuous exercise three hours before bedtime so that you don’t interfere with your sleep routine.

Schedule Your Exercise

When you’re busy with work, school, family and other responsibilities, it’s hard to make time for the important things. That’s why you should consider adding your workouts to your calendar. Once you put them in your schedule, treat them the same as you would any appointment — don’t cancel unless you absolutely have to, and be sure to reschedule.

This tip goes for anything in your life that is important to you but gets squeezed out of your agenda, whether it is having a coffee date with a friend, reading about Thrive side effects, taking your dog to the groomer or talking to your boss about a raise.

Use Efficient Workout Routines

A workout doesn’t have to constitute two hours at the gym to be effective. You can walk briskly for 10 minutes three times a day and count it as 30 minutes of cardio. High-intensity interval training workouts are ideal when you’re pressed for time. While you’re strength training, combine moves that work more than one muscle group for maximum efficiency.

Bring a Friend

Working out with someone else can turn exercise into a fun, encouraging activity. Whether it’s a family member, date or best friend, your workout will seem easier when you combine it with conversation and company.

Scheduling exercise time with someone else also keeps you accountable. You are less likely to postpone or cancel a workout when you know someone else is counting on you.

If you have children, including them in your exercise time is a great way to bond with them while teaching them the value of staying healthy. A stroller ride around the neighborhood or pickup basketball game at the park are fun ways for you and your child to get out and about.

Work Out During the Work Day

Are you able to walk or jog to work? Can you take the stairs to your next meeting? Would you consider spending half your lunch break walking around the block a few times? If so, you are able to fit in some serious exercise time during the workday. Then if you’re stuck in a late meeting or have an early appointment, your workout time isn’t sabotaged.

It’s not always easy to make time for the things that matter most, especially when it seems every minute of the day is already filled. However, exercise is critical to your health in so many ways that it’s worth the effort. Once you’ve found ways to make workouts part of your regular schedule, they will become a habit — one that’s healthy and gives you lifetime benefits.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.