How Much is a Google Pay-Per-Click Campaign?

Pay-per-click marketing is a form of Internet marketing in which advertisers will pay a fee whenever one of their ads is clicked on by a user. This is basically the opposite of organic searches, during which users are sent to your website simply on the basis of how well the keyword they entered matches up with keywords on your website.

How Much is a Google Pay-Per-Click Campaign

In pay-per-click advertising, whenever a user clicks on your ad, they will be sent to your website, and you will have to pay the search engine a fee for that click. Assuming that things go the way you want them to, the visit to your site is worth much more to you than the fee you have to pay for the ad. For instance, if you have to pay a $1 fee for each click on your ad, but each visit to your website earns you $100, it’s well worth it to pay the ad fee in order to get the site visits. Once you factor in the costs of local PPC management, this approach can be very lucrative for any business.

One of the most popular forms of pay-per-click advertising is search engine advertising. In this model, an advertiser would pay the search engine to place a sponsored link on the first page of search engine results, so that users will be sure to see it. This is a much more certain prospect than an organic search might be, because to appear on that first page of search engine results, it will be necessary to achieve a high ranking on your web page.

Pay-per-click advertising is of course more costly than an organic search would be, but theoretically at least, it returns more on investment because there is a greater likelihood of your ad being seen and of having visitors come to your website.

What is a Google Pay-Per-Click Campaign? 

A Google PPC campaign is a marketing initiative which permits you to advertise on Google, so that you can get your product message out to a huge audience of individuals who might be searching for what you have to offer. Google pay-per-click is used by literally millions of businesses and websites around the globe, because it’s extremely powerful, and it’s a cost-effective way to increase awareness of your brand, while also driving qualified traffic to your website.

Read on: 5 Key Elements to a Successful Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaign

The reason most businesses use Google pay-per-click is that it’s considerably easier and more certain to drive traffic to your website than it would be to obtain free traffic simply on the basis of good SEO practices. The alternative is to use standard organic searches, and on this basis, Google’s search engine algorithms would rank those sites highest which have the most relevant and informative websites, and which are considered to be the best match for user queries.

While it might be well worth the effort to work at optimizing your site in this way, it does take time, and in the meanwhile you will still want to have a regular flow of traffic to your website. By engaging in PPC advertising, you should have a steadier flow of traffic, and it should work much faster than optimizing for organic searches.

Read on: How To Generate Revenue With Hyper-Targeted PPC

You’ll also have considerable control over the appearance of any ad that you place with Google, and this may be a powerful way of attracting more traffic.

How Much Do They Typically Cost?

Google Ads, which was formerly known as Google AdWords, can provide a pretty impressive ROI for businesses who wish to invest in pay-per-click advertising. For every $1 spent on advertising, you can expect $8 in return, and there aren’t many models you can invest in which will provide that kind of ROI. The average cost per click when you’re talking about Google Ads is between $1 and $2 when using the Google Search Network, and if you’re using the Google Display Network, that figure drops below $1.

Read on: 3 Pay Per Click Tips to Add Value to Your Google AdWords Campaign

Most small businesses and mid-size companies will spend somewhere around $9,000 or $10,000 every month on Google ads. However, there is certainly no one-size-fits-all pricing scheme which can definitively tell you how much you should be spending on Google Ads. This is partly because it’s an extremely customizable model, and you have a great deal of control over how your ads look, and how much you want to spend on them.

In fact, one of the biggest benefits of using Google Ads in the first place is its pricing flexibility. When you get around to calculating how much you’d like to spend on your Google Ads, you’ll have to consider exactly what kind of return you’re hoping to have, and plan accordingly.

What Goes into Running a Campaign?

When you’re planning a pay-per-click campaign, a good place to start would be in researching the keywords you want to use for your campaign. If you have a limited ad spend, you’ll probably want to establish a maximum cost per click that you’re willing to pay. Then you should choose high-volume keywords which you might not have to compete too hard for when bidding, because other advertisers will also want to secure prominent positioning on a search results page. 

Then you should attempt to estimate the cost per click for those keywords you will be using, keeping in mind that this figure will vary for different locations around the globe. Then you’ll have to get your creative juices flowing and produce ads which really appeal to consumers, and which stand out from your competitors. You might also want to consider the use of session tracking software prior to going live with your ad campaign, so you can evaluate just how user-friendly your web page is. This will give you a chance to tweak any errors on your web page before the major onslaught of huge website traffic comes your way.

Get More Out of Your Google Ads

There’s a lot to consider about planning and executing a pay-per-click advertising campaign, and if you don’t feel up to the challenge, you should definitely engage the services of a savvy digital marketing agency which has the expertise. Contact BizIQ, so we can collaborate with you on establishing an effective pay-per-click advertising campaign that will increase traffic to your website, and give you a lot more conversions than you’ve had in the past.

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Article Author Details

Tara Berelc