4 Ways Hiking Can Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Hiking for Weight Loss – If you’re planning on starting a weight loss or fitness journey, chances are you’re wondering which direction to take. While there are countless methods to choose from, there are some that stand out from the others. Hiking is one of them. If you’re wondering how it might be able to help you reach your weight loss and fitness goals, keep reading. Here are four reasons hiking could be right for you.

Hiking for Weight Loss

1. It’s a Full Body Workout

Can hiking help you lose weight – One of the best things about hiking is that it works your entire body. What’s unique about this is that the constant motion strengthens and tones your muscles while also being a great cardiovascular workout. The result? A substantial calorie burn that continues long after your hike is over. Since it is such an effective workout, it’s important to fuel your body wisely. Whether you plan special meals or prepare snacks for the trail, you’re going to want to make sure your focus is on nutritious and energy-packed foods. The next time you’re standing in front of your open pantry wondering “is oatmeal good for weight loss?”, you can feel great knowing that enjoying a bowlful for a pre-hike breakfast or adding oats to on-the-go energy bites are both great choices. The complex carbohydrates in oatmeal will gradually release energy and will provide the sustainability you need.

2. It Won’t Break the Bank

If you’ve ever joined a gym or purchased special foods or supplements, you’re no stranger to the expenses that can be associated with them. While doing these things can yield good results, remember that you don’t always need to spend a lot of money to achieve your goals. Hiking is very affordable, which makes it an ideal activity if you’re on a budget. You don’t need much to start, other than comfortable outdoor clothing, supportive sneakers or hiking boots and a backpack. Adding in a pair of trekking poles is a great way to further incorporate your arms into the workout. They’ll also provide balance and will be very helpful when going up or down steep or uneven terrain. You might also find that there are parking or usage fees for some hikes, so research your destination ahead of time to make sure you’re prepared.

3. It Keeps Things Interesting and Fun

If you thrive on variety and new experiences, chances are you’ll love hiking. While a lot of what you’ll do will depend on the geography of your area, switching up your hikes will keep your workouts exciting and new. This is important for building momentum and will help you develop a positive outlook as well. Inviting friends along or bringing your four-legged friend will add more fun and companionship to your workouts. This can be a great incentive to get out there. But if you’d rather hike alone, make sure you do so safely.

4. It’s More Than Just Exercise

When you spend time outdoors, every part of you will reap the benefits. And when you’re hiking, you’re taking those benefits one step farther by stimulating, balancing and conditioning your mind and body at the same time. While hiking has been established as an effective and efficient workout, it can also work wonders for your mental health. When your body is warmed up and moving, feel-good hormones are produced and flow from head to toe. It’s also a great way to ground yourself at times of stress of anxiety. When you’re on the trail, disconnect. Silence your notifications and tuck your phone away, focusing on the present. Take in the scenery, take deep breaths and allow yourself to just be. Acknowledge what your body is capable of doing and allow yourself to be proud. All of these things will enhance your hikes and make them more than just exercise. Starting out on a new weight loss or fitness journey should be an exciting time, and hiking could be the perfect way to help you get where you want to be. Chances are you’ll be glad you did.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.