How to Handle Water Damage In Your Home

There are moments as a homeowner when you will have to clean up after an emergency that has occurred to your structure. Sometimes this damage is caused by water. Whether it is due to a storm or overfilled bathtub, it can create a harmful situation that you must get on top of immediately. Here are a few tips to handle water damage in your house.

Know What You Are Dealing With

Before you begin the water extraction and clean up to remedy the damage that has been done, be aware of what type of fluid that you are working with. If the source is clean water created by condensation, a shower, a sink, or a bathtub, you can bring the task of drying it out yourself. A leaky toilet or appliance will take some protection to proceed but you should be all right to continue. However, if your sewage is backing up or your structure has been flooded by a river or other body of water, you should hire professionals to take care of the situation. They have the gear to keep them safe from contaminants. 

Look For Mold

Substances like mold and mildew can cause health problems for years after the damage unless they are taken care of. Analyze your drywall and wood for signs of this. If you do find it, call in a professional to identify it. Typical mold and mildew can be eliminated with bleach and scrubbing. However, if it is black mold, it will need to be removed before any other work can continue. This step must be completed before you can remove materials since pores can be released into the air if they are disturbed, 

Begin the Clean Up Process

Find large fans or dehumidifiers and aim the air flow and the damp spots. Wait for everything to dry out before you continue. Tear out any carpeting, drywall, ceiling tiles, or anything that could have soaked up the water. These items are more likely to develop mildew and will have to be replaced. Make up a solution of water and bleach, then spray it on the remaining affected items. Be sure to wear goggles and gloves before you do to protect yourself from the burns that this substance can cause.

Replace Building Materials

Look over your home to ensure that the problem has been found and fixed. If you start construction before you do, you could have issues all over again. Inspect the beams that make up your ceiling and roof and determine if anything should be replaced. You may need to call in a contractor for help with this. Move onto the floorboards and foundation and switch out what must be taken care of. Install new drywall in the affected area then prepare it to be painted. Lay new carpet or refinish the wood floor that has been warped. 

Prevent It From Happening Again

Once you determine how the water got into your house, find out how to prevent it from happening again. Disconnect hoses before cold weather arrives and put them away. Ice can back up what is inside and find itself in your home. Clear out your gutters until rain can run through them freely. Inspect your trees and plants, looking for any roots and rouge sticks that could burst your pipes. Trim back whatever could be a problem.  Be aware of how to turn your supply off, whether it is at the main or at each fixture. Make repairs immediately when you notice them. Review your water bill for any fluctuations. A high charge would indicate high usage and is a good time to look for why this has happened. 


There are many reasons why you might have water damage in your home. Depending on the severity, you may need a professional to clean it up so that you can take care of you and your family. Identifying mold or mildew, getting rid of damaged materials, and sanitizing affected areas against contaminants are a few steps to improve your home and get it back to normal.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.