How To Help Your Spouse Get Their Green Card

How To Help Your Spouse Get Their Green Card

If you’re an American citizen or green card holder who married someone from outside the country, two need to get your partner a marriage green card. There are many things you can do to help your spouse get their green card to stay in the country with you throughout your marriage. There are just a few things to take into consideration.

Marriage Green Card Eligibility

Before applying for a marriage green card, you need to provide proof that your marriage is legally binding in the United States. You will also need to present evidence that you are a citizen or permanent resident of the United States. Proof such as a passport or copy of your own green card. Once you sort out these legalities, you and your spouse may start the application for them to receive a green card.

Necessary Documents

The first step you need to take to help your spouse get their green card is to submit the proper paperwork. You will want to begin with an I-130 form and submit it to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services alongside any necessary information. Additional attachments may include a copy of your marriage license, photos of your wedding, or proof of a joint bank account or mortgage. You will also want to submit forms I-485 or form DS-260. These forms are to help you set up your actual green card interview. The specific paperwork may vary depending on if your spouse is currently within the United States.

How Long Does It Take?

Collecting all the necessary information, documents, and forms and submitting everything for approval can take anywhere from 10-13 months. The time may fluctuate depending on your status and the physical location of your spouse throughout the process. If you’re unsure about the steps in the process, it may be a good idea to hire an immigration attorney who can assist you and your partner through the legal hurdles and ensure the process goes smoothly for both of you.

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