Try These 9 Physical Therapy Exercises for Hip Pain

Exercises for Hip Pain

The hip joint is the largest articulation in humans, responsible for mobility. The joint gets most affected by our daily routine, as a constant force acts upon it. Every motor skill like standing, walking, running, etc. involves the hip joint.

The hip has a fantastic ability to bear pressure up to 5 times the weight of the person. The joint actively participates in all the functionalities; thus, hip pain can disrupt a person’s daily activities.


If you’re suffering from hip pain in Franklin, TN (or anywhere in the world), then this article is for you. We’ll discuss some efficient physical therapy exercises which can decrease the pain and improve mobility. 

Common Causes of Hip Pain

We know that hip joints are an essential part of the human body, but what affects these joints creating unbearable pain? Let’s find out: 


The fluid-filled sacs in the hip area are known as bursae which avoid any friction during movement. The lateral hip can cause pain in case of friction which is a common cause behind hip pain. 

The bursae can cause pain due to excessive pressure or biomechanical forces. The inflammation is generally a burning-like pain. 


Another common ailment resulting in hip pain is tendonitis. People participating in high-intensity workouts, running, or sports are at a greater risk of tendonitis. 

The pain is mild, but it can result in irritation and swelling in the hip region. Medical conditions can also disrupt the mobility and functionality of the hip joint. 

Labral Tears

The cushioning of the hip joint is due to the labrum, which also provides mobility and stability. If the labrum cartilage is torn, it can restrict the person from standing or sitting for a prolonged period because of an injury. 

A labral tear due to repetitive activity can cause gradual pain for a longer period. 

Hip Impingement

If the ball and socket of the hip joint are not connected, it can restrict mechanical movements. It can happen over time due to constant pressure on the joint. 

Hip impingement can result in stiffness, groin pain, and reduced range of motion. It is a common medical condition in active young adults which can convert into osteoarthritis. 

Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis is a flat muscle situated at the center of the joint. It’s responsible for the all-around movement of the leg and provides stability to the hip. 

The syndrome can have a lingering effect with difficulty in movement and pain.

 Top 4 Stretches for Hip Pain

Stretching is an excellent option to diminish the pain gradually. Stretching can improve mobility, relax stiffness, and enhance overall functionality. Try these stretches: 

1. Hip Flexor Stretch

Hip flexors are in the front of the hip, and they can get stiff during osteoarthritis. Hip flexor stretch is the best way to release muscle tensions. 

  • Take a lunge position stance
  • Keep your legs at shoulder width and maintain a good posture
  • Bend the knee until your calf muscle is perpendicular to the floor
  • Now stretch up to your comfort level
  • Hold it for 30 seconds and then change the legs

2. Hamstring Stretch

The hamstring is another crucial muscle group that extends the hip joint. A tight hamstring can result in lower back and hip pain. To relieve the pain, you can try this:

  • Lie down and keep the knee grounded 
  • Bend one knee while keeping hands on it
  • Now straighten the other knee
  • Repeat the stretch for each side

3. Butterfly Stretch

The butterfly stretch is perfect for lower body pain. It’s easy to perform and holds endless benefits. 

  • Sit on a soft surface with your legs along the groin
  • Your knee should face the ground, and your back should be straight
  • Apply pressure on the thigh towards the ground and feel the stretch

4. Figure Four Stretch

Another effective yet easy-to-perform stretch that can alleviate hip pain. 

  • Lie flat on the floor
  • Put the right ankle on left knee and bring it close to your chest
  • You can use your hands to stretch the lower body
  • Hold the position for a while 

Top 5 Physical Therapy Exercises for Hip Pain

1. Hip Pendulums

Move the left leg back and forth for a good warm-up. It’s better not to push the leg too hard as it can injure the muscle. The leg swing can be one of the best warm-ups for the hip and lower back. 

2. Hip Bridges

  • Lie down on the back and bring the knee close to your hip
  • Keep your heels grounded and push up with the pelvis
  • Take help from the buttocks to lift your hip in the mid-air

3. Straight Leg Raises

Leg raises is an exercise to strengthen the hip flexor and glutes. Follow these steps to perform the leg raise properly:

  • Lie straight on the floor
  • Now with the help of your core, raise your leg slowly
  • Hold the position for a while and bring the leg back to the ground

4. Hip Circles

  • Position yourself on the ground with your knee under your hip
  • Lift a leg out to the side
  • Make a circle using this leg and engage the abdominal. 
  • Make ten circles each from both the legs.

5. Hip Hikers

Hip hikers are a bodyweight exercise for strength and stability. 

  • Stand on a slightly elevated surface (either a stair or stool)
  • Keep one leg hanging off the edge
  • Now drop the leg down and feel the contraction in the core and glutes
  • Hold the position.


A physical therapist can help you get rid of hip pain in Franklin, TN. You can book your first appointment now.

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Article Author Details

Mac Lawrance