Restricted Categories & How To Get Ungated On Amazon In 2021

How To Get Ungated On Amazon

Selling on Amazon can be an alluring idea. Yet, is it easy to get past its guidelines?

The eCommerce business has become an undeniable commodity in the online world. In this blog we will discuss how to ungated on Amazon, Over the course of the past year, online businesses have seen soaring sales because of the pandemic.

How To Get Ungated On Amazon

Now, when you think about how the majority of the people were stuck in their homes for the better part of the last one year, you can understand why eCommerce became their best and only option. Before the pandemic, it was estimated that almost 95% of the business will be conducted through online platforms.

Now, the past twelve months have quickened the pace of that and eCommerce businesses are slated to bring in 2.15 billion buyers from all around the globe. But, now for the topic at hand, selling in eCommerce can be a challenge, particularly on Amazon. So, if you wish to become a seller on amazon and wish to sell in your desired categories, then you need to get your seller account ungated first. So, to understand ungating, restricted categories and barred products, let us dive in deeper.

Restricted Categories

One of the first rules that you come across in seller central (Amazon’s dashboard) is that you need to earn Amazon’s trust before it allows you to reach its audience. The reason behind that is simple, Amazon wants to know that you can be trusted and that is why it bans or bars sellers in their early days to be able to sell in these categories. Now, think about this matter as an Amazon buyer. If you buy a product from a seller, you would hold Amazon responsible for any inconvenience. So, Amazon wants to avoid that at all costs.

Some experts at Wikipedia page editors say that many in the industry call this procedure “purgatory.” Considering how you are limited to one section before you proceed to the next, it is a fitting name. So, you need to prove yourself as a viable name before you are able to make sales in these categories. Here are some of the most popular restricted categories on Amazon.

  • Jewellery
  • Fine Art
  • Automotive & Power sports
  • Toys & Games *
  • Watches
  • Video, DVDs & Blu-ray

*An important thing to understand here is that amazon bans the toys category during the holiday seasons to prevent bandwagon riders from becoming sellers just for the time.

Barred Products

Just like there are barred product categories, there are restricted products as well. Now, you might be thinking about the difference between restricted products and categories. While there are certain products that fall into the aforementioned categories, some products are simply listed as “others”. To avoid any mishaps between the sellers and buyers in these products, amazon lists a number of commodities as restricted ones. Here are some of the most commonly banned products by amazon

  • Home décor or fine art products
  • Animals & products related to them
  • Alcohol & Liquor
  • Cosmetics\Skin & Hair Care
  • Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
  • Food & Beverages

Procedure Of Getting Ungated

Now that we know the types of products and categories, let us dive into the topic at hand and see how you can get ungated on Amazon.

1.    Sign Up For A Wholesaler\Seller Account

One of the first, and perhaps the most obvious step in the procedure is to sign-up as a seller. While you can use this account to buy as well, it will be your primary account for selling.

2.    Log-In & Set Up Your Account

Once you are done, make sure you log in and set up your account properly. Including adding necessary information such as accurate location etc.

3.    Purchase Products

As a wholesaler, the first step you need to take is to purchase products. Bear in mind that we are not talking about common purchases, rather purchasing in quantity. So, buy at least 10 products from three different categories.

4.    Get The Documentation Right

Once you are identified as a wholesaler, you will have to provide additional information. So, make sure you get information right, like your bank account, location and other documents that amazon might ask for.

5.    Request To Get Ungated

Finally, you will have to request amazon to get ungated in the category that you wish to sell into. Bear in mind that you need to follow the aforementioned step before you can even get to this section. Because, once you try to sell a barred product or one in the banned category, you might not even see the option to request for ungating. That would mean that you might have missed something from the earlier steps. So, make sure you go through everything thoroughly.

6.    In Case Of Approval

This one is simple, if your case is approved then you can spend your time on amazon as a happy seller. But, make sure you are present when customer care or support is needed.

7.    In Case Of Disapproval

If your ungating process is disapproved, then it will give you a reason that it happened. Make sure you study that properly and reapply once Amazon allows you to.

Why Avoid Banned Categories

Now that we know the process of ungating, let us talk about the reasons why you shouldn’t. While it is fine to dive into categories like toys and such, diving into serious categories like alcohol or drugs can cause you problems, just as it might cause problems for Amazon. Because the last thing that both you and Amazon need is a lawsuit hanging in your name. So, if you are to dive into restricted categories, make sure you select yours properly.

Wrapping It Up

So, that’s all you need to know about amazon’s banned categories and process of ungating. Much like learning how to edit Wikipedia pages, the guidelines for amazon products can be a hassle to study as well. The key is to stay persistent and ensure that you have all the information needed to become a seller on the platform.

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Article Author Details

Ali Hasnain

Ali Hasnain is a trend researcher by passion, a senior digital marketing expert and SEO Consultant. He is an expert with over 5 years of experience in this field, as an all niches knowledge, He eagerly looks for the ins and outs of the modern niches growths.