Smart Careers For Introverts In the Public Sector

There is a misconception that jobs in government are somehow a downgrade from jobs in the private sector. Whereas it can be true that private-sector jobs pay more, it is also true that there are some extremely well-paying government jobs. Some studies report that the average pay for government employees is in the range of $85,000 annually. And the benefits are pretty amazing for these smart career options!

Smart Careers For Introverts In the Public Sector

Most government employees work a standard 40 hour week. That is rarely the case with well-paying jobs in the private sector. That means that workers enjoy a much more sustainable balance between their private life and their jobs. Government jobs also offer exceptional job security, which is incredibly important in these uncertain financial times. These jobs offer great retirement plans and exceptional health care benefits. 

People often equate government with power. They wrongly think they don’t have the temperament for a public sector career. But working in the government isn’t just for Harvard graduates or smooth-talking extroverts. There are plenty of great careers for the introverts and academics who make up the backbone of most successful companies. Here are a few.

Court Reporter

This is a great career for the detailed introvert with nerves of steel. This is a specialized job that requires an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in a program that is approved by the National Court Reporters Association. If you are interested in this career, search for approved programs in your area. A simple Google search like ‘court reporters Portland‘ should get you headed in the right direction.

The average pay for a court reporter is about $65,000 per year. However, that pay can vary widely depending on where the court reporter works and whether they have chosen to seek certifications that allow them to specialize in certain services. Experienced reporters with key certifications can earn well into the six-figure range. That sounds pretty good when you consider all the additional benefits of a government job! 


If you are a math geek, you may never have pictured yourself working as a special agent for an agency like the FBI. But, like many agencies in the federal government, statisticians are in high demand with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Entry-level positions only require a bachelor’s degree in math or statistics and you may find yourself working in exciting locations around the world. The starting pay is pretty good but if you are great at your job and are willing to undergo some additional training, you could find yourself bringing home as much as $250,000 a year! 

Computer Scientist

Both private and public entities need computer scientists, so this is a smart career to think about if tech is your thing. The pay will probably be higher in the private sector; however, by working in the public sector you will get all the great government benefits mentioned above, plus you could be working on developing and testing programs for the United States Military or for the Space Program. That’s a lot cooler than working on the next social media platform! The pay ranges from a moderate $60,000 a year up to about $170,000 a year. Great pay and great benefits for doing something you love.

Main Takeaway Regarding Smart Careers 

This is only a small handful of the great public sector jobs available to all you introverted brainiacs out there. The government also needs astronomers, economists, engineers and scientists. There are so many reasons to pursue a career in the public sector. The pay can be great, but even if it is a bit less than the same job in the private sector, that is balanced out by the job security and the truly stellar retirement and health benefits. Regardless of what career direction you are heading in, take the time to check out what that career could offer in the public sector. You could be very pleasantly surprised.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.