The 5 Most Common Myths About Wind Energy

The 5 Most Common Myths About Wind Energy

There is a growing population of wind turbines across the nation, with more expected in the years to come. But as their popularity increases, so too do the misconceptions and myths around their functionality and purpose. Let’s look at the five most common myths about wind energy and debunk them with some facts.

Wind Turbines Are Too Noisy

The most common myth about wind energy and the presence of a wind turbine is that it is too noisy and should remain a specific distance from residential areas. But most wind farms are specifically placed to reduce the amount of distraction to residents.

In fact, a wind farm at a distance of 500 meters away from a location will produce less noise than a vehicle traveling half a block away at a distance of 40 mph. This means wind energy will not produce any more of a distraction than normal background noise. Another notable fact is that wind turbines require a specific formula of lubrication, which helps eliminate mechanical stress, aids in noise reduction, and prolongs the turbines’ lifespan and production.

The Low-Frequency Noise Is Harmful to Human Health

On the opposite end of the spectrum, some people believe that the continued release of low-frequency sounds is harmful to human health. Most often, the low-frequency sound associated with wind energy is created by the movement of the turbine’s blades. This noise is confused as infrasound, which is relatively harmful to humans, but this is a myth, as the turbines do not release infrasound frequencies.

Wind Turbines Are Harmful to Birds

While a wind turbine can be harmful to birds in the event of a collision or disrupted flight pattern, in general, this is usually not the case. The placement of a wind turbine is no different than any other man-made structure in a large city or elsewhere, and the death rate for birds impacted by wind turbines is significantly low.

Typically, birds will be able to alter their flight patterns to avoid the spinning turbines altogether, which is not always the case with a home’s sliding glass door.

Wind Turbines Create a Decline in Property Values

Some folks believe that the presence of wind energy near or around their property will decrease its value because of other associated myths such as noise and aesthetics. But the real estate market shows no signs of this being true. While the use of wind turbines is increasing, it is not common to find them near residential locations.

Wind Turbines Degrade Visual Aesthetics

Another common myth about wind energy is that they are visually unappealing. But everyone’s perspective on what is beautiful varies, and there are no surefire signs or evidence that a wind farm negatively impacts a landscape. From a tourism standpoint, wind farms have a tendency to draw people in and make large landscapes appear more interesting and diverse.

If you’re thinking about relocating to a place where you will see an uptick in wind energy solutions, keep these common myths (and the truth behind them) in mind. Whether you find them attractive or not, wind turbines are a superpower in energy production, and their demand will continue to increase.

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