Top 6 Reasons You Should Consider Wearing Braces or Clear Aligners

Wearing Braces

The advantages of having your teeth straightened extend well beyond just having an attractive smile. Straight teeth may improve your overall health in many ways, as well as boost your self-confidence. Are you thinking about getting your teeth straightened but aren’t sure if it’s worth the time and money? Here are six vital reasons you should consider undergoing orthodontic treatment:

1. Easier brushing and flossing 

The health of your gums and teeth depends on having good daily oral hygiene that includes flossing and brushing. It will be more difficult to clean your teeth if they are crooked or have spaces between them. Food is more likely to become trapped as a result, providing bacteria with a potential breeding environment that may result in serious oral health problems, including cavities and oral infections.

Thus, straightening your teeth minimizes the likelihood of dental health problems and makes them much simpler to clean. The majority of those wearing braces and clear aligners report considerably better gum health both during and after their orthodontic treatment.

2. Prevent jaw pain and discomfort 

If you have crooked teeth, your jaw may compensate for the awkward motions carried out when you speak and chew. As a result, your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and other associated tissues may be put under undue strain. Crooked and misaligned teeth can place so much strain on your jaw, gums, and supporting bone that it may cause discomfort, difficulty moving the jaw, clicking sounds, and even persistent headaches in certain cases. Orthodontic treatments like metal braces or Invisalign aligners can help straighten your jaw and relieve strain on your TMJ. Muscle relaxant injections may also be utilized to provide brief relief.

3. Better overall health 

You can lower your chance of experiencing additional health issues by having your teeth straightened. According to research, bacteria that result in oral infections might also raise your risk of developing conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Your teeth will be simpler to maintain clean and less likely to get infected if they are straight.

In addition to making it difficult to chew properly, crooked or misaligned teeth may cause you to avoid certain meals and types of food. Your ability to consume any type of food as well as maintain a balanced diet, can be restored by having your teeth straightened.

4. Less risk of breakage 

If you fall or suffer an accident, your teeth are more likely to shatter or break if they are protruding or crooked. Your teeth grow weak as a result of the difficulty of maintaining appropriate dental hygiene, which makes it simpler for them to break or fracture. You’re also more likely to bite your tongue and cheeks, which can lead to recurrent and painful sores. If your teeth are straight, you will be far more resistant to sores, fractures, chips, and cracks.

5. Less risk of teeth grinding and clenching 

Teeth misalignment can result in bruxism or teeth clenching or grinding. Your teeth will be more quickly worn down and damaged, increasing your chances of major dental and TMJ pain. In addition to straightening your teeth with braces or clear aligners, your dentist may recommend wearing a night mouthguard to alleviate clenching/grinding concerns.

6. Address sleep apnoea

If you have obstructive sleep apnoea, the resulting breathing problems may interfere with your sleep. This might result in weariness, headaches, trouble concentrating, and other health issues. These breathing problems might be caused by a misaligned jaw, which can sometimes be addressed with orthodontics in addition to other sleep apnoea therapies, which could substantially enhance your sleep quality.

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Article Author Details

Amelia Grant

I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care, wellness and other advice that may be helpful for people.