When Should You Upgrade Your Police Equipment?

When Should You Upgrade Your Police Equipment?

As police officers, the amount of gear you need to carry while on duty can sometimes feel a bit ridiculous. However, all of it is essential to doing your job effectively. Because of that, it’s also crucial to ensure you have the best gear possible.

Still, that doesn’t mean you need to upgrade whenever something new comes out. That’s why we’ve compiled this short guide detailing when police officers should upgrade their equipment. That way, you don’t waste their money on items you don’t need quite yet.

When It Starts Falling Apart

Even though a lot of police gear gets made to last, none can stand the test of time forever. Materials wear out, and pieces eventually break off. Once your gear gets beaten up enough, start looking for upgrades. If parts of your equipment are no longer usable due to the damage sustained, that’s a clear sign that it’s time for something new.

When It’s Outdated

Even if your gear holds up against the wear and tear that it’ll endure throughout your years on the force, it will reach a point where it’ll become outdated. This could refer to the style of the gear, but more importantly, it’ll likely refer to the technology behind it.

For example, an old radio might not have all of the useful features a new one does. That means you could miss crucial information that your old one simply can’t transmit. It could also refer to the tech behind the materials. Older plastics don’t hold up quite as well as newer ones do. A lot of new gear uses Kydex, which is something that’s worth upgrading to if you don’t have it yet.

When It’s in the Budget

When first starting out, some police officers will buy the cheapest gear they can since they won’t have the budget to buy some of the top-of-the-line items. While this is acceptable early on, you will reach a point when you have the money to afford something better.

That cheap duty belt isn’t going to compare with a higher-quality one. Of course, there’s a lot you should know about choosing a law enforcement duty belt but finding something with a decent build quality is a must.

When Asked To

The final reason you should upgrade your police equipment is when your boss or another superior officer asks you to. While it’s your job to use this gear in the field, higher-ranking officers’ jobs are to ensure those below them have the proper items for doing so. Their reasoning could be any of the ones we’ve mentioned above, but when you’ve gotten ordered to upgrade your personal equipment, it’s usually best to do so without question.

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Article Author Details

Shea Rumoro