Why should your software partner be ISO-compliant?


The quality check has been essential for us! Whether you buy mere groceries or
consider hiring third-party service providers for your business, you always look for professionals who are the best or the most reputable and ISO-certified software development companies around. Now I am sure you must have come across the fact that you always prefer companies that are ISO-certified. Now what is ISO certification and why do most businesses are looking for an ISO-Certified company across the globe?

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization and is said that an the organization is able to meet national standards from across the globe. There is a community featuring several people, especially knowledgeable people who work together to promote different global norms irrespective of the topic, working conditions, societal challenges, and so on.

An International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) certification is basically an international standard decided for seamless quality assurance and conformity assessment. Now we all know that a certification is nothing just a basic declaration for any company, event, or status. These certifications are issued by a particular institution and that’s the reason why businesses featuring such certifications have some credibility and are preferred more than others who don’t possess such certifications in society. And it may quite interest you to know that such certifications cannot be won in a lottery, one has to work extremely hard for it. And in the end, it’s worth the effort!

The United Nations survey has also stated that 98% of companies with ISO
certification are rated as good or very good investments. In other words, ISO
certification is a seal of approval for a specific company or organization if it
successfully complies with numerous international standards set by the ISO
community. Another interesting aspect of this certification is that it is conducted
by third-party bodies which are unbiased and impartial. Check out the ISO 9001
and ISO 27001 standards. They comprise of most of the key aspects of the
company’s day-to-day operations.

What does it mean to Choose an ISO-certified Company?

Well, it means you are bound to receive:-
High-Quality development services

? Enhanced efficiency and Productivity of the company
? High-end security and data protection
? Increased customer confidence
? Well Software Documentation
? Streamlined Procedure
? Accurate and Successful Outcomes
? Trustworthy and great in reliability and increased reputation
? Transparency
? Low risks and reduced chances of mistakes
? On-time deliveries, competitive pricing

Types of ISO-Certification

? ISO 27001:2005 Information Security Management Systems

? ISO 9000:2008 Quality Management Systems
? ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems
? ISO/TS 16949:2009 Electronic Product Code (EPC)

Why must every Company get an ISO Certification?

#1 Bring Standardization

Any company or startup eventually will grow over time and become big, no two
ways about it. But have you ever wondered what keeps these companies growing by leaps and bounds? It’s their standardization. Now when is a company called Standardized? It’s when the production is simplified, all the products delivered are best, consistent, and highly secured. And above all, when the company willingly promotes global collaboration and high-end compatibility.

#2 Exceeds Customer Requirements and Expectations

This is one of the most crucial reasons to get ISO certification is if the company is
satisfying customer requirements then it should be recommended to all. You see,
in today’s times even customers tend to conduct business with certified suppliers.
It proves that they have successfully satisfied the requirements of their end users easily. These companies tend to keep their valued customers as a top priority and keep offering successful outcomes in the long run.

#3 Enhanced procedures

The next reason to consider ISO certification is, you are bound to deliver nothing but the best quality from your doorsteps. Whatever the need and requirements are, the end result is always supposed to be a high level of quality. In other words, the software development company comprises a well-designed and effectively-implemented management system.

#4 Increased Revenues

The next reason to consider ISO certification is that since software development companies tend to provide high-end quality, they are more likely to receive an increase in terms of revenues and return on investment. You see your end users will keep coming back to you again and again if you tend to offer the best quality products.

Also, when the company is ISO-certified, you can offer products at a competitive
price and expect better revenue.

#5 Optimum Security Controls

The next reason for being ISO-compliant or certified is you are bound to offer
high-end security to your valued clients. ISO 27001 standard features high-end
security especially for the data and crucial information. In case, if the supplier processes confidential data then the security turns out to be highly optimized.

And the list doesn’t end here, increased productivity, encourages best practices,
encourages team commitment, applicable to all kinds of businesses, enhanced integration, seamless business collaboration, improved efficiency, and saves ample time and money and so more. Slowly and steadily the significance of International organizations for standardization are increasing by leaps and bounds. And trust me, there is a lot of potential growth across the globe.

Some crucial ISO policies and guidelines
? Seamless access to premises
? Access to computer hardware, Wi-Fi and so more
? Easy handling of equipment and data carriers
? Seamless risk management and assessment
? Focusing on backups
? Well-documentation
? Protective sensitive data

Final Words

So that’s all for now! All the tech-savvy organizations featuring ISO certification
have the potential to bring a revolution like never before. So what are you waiting for? Time to get your ISO certification right away. I hope you find the following post worth the read. Time to share among your peers and help us out in reaching more and more readers. Good luck!

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Article Author Details

Charles Richard