Texas cop shackling a teenage girl on the pool party can be seen on you tube

Texas cop is unable to face others, he is on leave from the day when video caught him and people ask questions about his act of pulling his gun and shackling a teenage girl on a pool party just to break up that party in McKinney which is placed just a 30 miles north of Dallas.

Texas cop shackling a teenage girl on the pool party can be seen on you tube

According to the officer the description of the video is this that they there was a fight between a girl and her mother and the police go there after the fight broke out. But in actual situation they got a complaint that the teenage was using the pool without the permission so Texas go there just to see the situation.

This video was spread on public through you tube within no time. The officer in the video from the area of McKinney police department shriek imprecation at teenagers and shackling them. He was in anger and vigorously pulls the one teenage girl from the others to the ground and places her in handcuffs.

The video shows the misbehave of that officer with the teenage girl and we can also see in the video that two teenage boys try to come near to him just to help the girl and make her release from the vigorous hold of the officer but the officer suddenly took out his gun and pointed towards the boys. In fear both boys run away by dogging other officers so they may not be able to catch them.

Everyone was running from the place even those people also ran who didn’t do anything and this becomes very strange condition for Cop so what he did? He just started pulling all the people on the ground and in shackling for no reason.

This type of act is totally unnecessary with everyone or especially with children or on innocent bystanders. The press raised questions on this act of Texas cop by the McKinney Police Chief and he said that officer’s conduct raised concerns. The officers have to face investigation and should answer for all the questions.

It looks very bad when an officer handcuffed a teenage female and she was temporarily detained by the officer. Even she was the girl eventually released to her parents. It is not the crime to have a party on pool. So it is also said that the no one was essentially arrested although several teenagers were restrain. It is the duty of police department to treat others humanly.

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Article Author Details

Patrick Richard