Tips get rid of Dandruff Permanently

To get rid of dandruff permanently everyone has to do a lot of hassle these days. It is one of the most commons problems men and women face. Dandruff is basically dry skin however from the time when it is the skin starting your head; the minor itch can reason the numb skin to fall down towards your shoulders and for every person to see. No doubt it’s very embracing for one’s.

Tips get rid of dandruff permanently

The can further cause acne and skin problems. Here we discuss some tips to get rid of dandruff permanently.

What causes Dandruff in the head?

  • TO get rid of dandruff, one must first understand its root cause.
  • Dandruff is caused by a fungus Malassezia which grows on the scalp.

It has two types:

1:  One appears because of dryness.
2: The other one occurs because of excessive oil production on your scalp.

Now we talk about some tips to get rid of dandruff permanently:

Coconut oil and Camphor:

Tips get rid of dandruff permanently

  • This is a very good remedy to get rid of dandruff permanently and in no time.
  • You can add one teaspoon of camphor in half cup of coconut oil and store it in a container (The airtight one).
  • Apply it gently on the scalp for almost 10 minutes every night before sleeping.

Lemon juice:

Tips get rid of dandruff permanently

  • Lemon juice is rich in chemicals which are beneficial for your skin as well as hair.
  • To increase its dandruff removing power, you can add coconut oil with it.
  • Mix Lemon drops in coconut oil and massages it one your scalp regularly.

Olive oil and castor oil:

Tips get rid of dandruff permanently

  • This is also one of the most effective remedies to get rid of dandruff permanently.
  • Due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties it can quickly treat scalp infections.
  • It contains all the essential nutrients which are good for hair, like the omega-6 fatty acid, Vitamin E and amino acids.
  • Warm up a mixture of castor and olive oil and massage it on your hair and scalp. Then wrap your head with a warm towel for 10 to 15 minutes. After then, wash it off with a shampoo.

Olive oil:

Tips get rid of dandruff permanently

  • Olive oil is very much known for curing dandruff and removing it off your head. Consistent use of olive oil is the key to a dandruff free head. It is an excellent moisturizer.
  • Massage your scalp with olive oil regularly and see the results yourself. If you leave it overnight it will give you better and faster results. Make sure that you sleep on an old pillowcase to absorb the oil.
  • Consistency is the key. You can maintain a habit of putting and massaging olive oil on your head.

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Article Author Details

Brandi Parker

Brandi Parker is the World Beast Deputy Entertainment Editor.

1 Comment

  • Dandruff gives you the embarrassment when you meet someone and your dark shirt has those flaky things. The first step for hair care is to look out for the hair problems and then solve them effectively. If dandruff is your major problem then there are so many effective and useful natural remedies available at this site