6 Tips to Make Your House More Attractive to Your Guests

Having guests can sometimes be exhausting even though you love them. Being a host means taking care of your guests’ needs and also making sure your house is in top condition so everyone will feel more welcome.

6 Tips to Make Your House More Attractive to Your Guests

This isn’t always an easy task, especially if you’re not that keen on home decor, but fear not, because here is the list of tips that will help you transform your home into space your guests will love:

1. First of all, declutter

A house that has too many things lying around might seem artsy and laidback, but it can also cause one to feel confused and out of place. Even if you’re perfectly capable of navigating the mess in your own place, keep in mind that your guests might not share your views and preferences. Therefore, before you decide to invite someone, or a day or two prior to their arrival, make sure to declutter all the mess such as documents, clothes and all the tiny and insignificant items that you’ve probably learned to ignore by now. Just because you’ve become indifferent to the clutter, doesn’t mean your guests will feel the same.

2. Upgrade your furniture

Your old couch is probably too cozy even if it’s old and worn-out, but if you intend to have guests often, it’s necessary to invest in elegant and long-lasting pieces of furniture. Even if it seems like an unnecessary expense, remember that buying proper and quality furniture is actually a very valuable investment. Many places offer quality flexible and modular sofas that will be great if your guests need a sleepover for a night or two. Besides, getting the right piece of furniture can significantly improve the way your home looks and feels at first glance.

6 Tips to Make Your House More Attractive to Your Guests

Also, in case you have tables, chairs, and shelves that would do good with a coat of paint or some repair, don’t hesitate to do it, especially if you’re not planning to buy new furniture.

3. Make it intimate

An intimate atmosphere is the main reason why people like to go somewhere. Whether it’s a restaurant, a cafe or a coffee shop, everyone is naturally drawn to a place that makes them feel at home. That’s why is important to create an atmosphere that will be inviting and personal so your guests will be inclined to come back and visit you again. In that case, arranging the seating closer together will bring cause people to sit more closely and be more focused on conversing and paying attention to one another. Additionally, adding various decor pieces will make your place more attractive and interesting. Even if you prefer minimalist decor, there are ways to achieve an intimate and pleasant atmosphere.

4. Use warm and relaxing colors

It’s well-known that colors can affect the mood, so it’s crucial to choose them wisely. In case you prefer cold or neutral colors, it wouldn’t be bad to mix in some warm tones, just to add some balance. Warm colors such as yellow, brown, orange and red can look great when combined with mint green, baby blue, and grey. This will make your home look well-designed, and it will help your guests feel relaxed and comfortable. Of course, you can base your overall interior design on cold colors, and just add a splash of warmly colored home accessories here and there.

5. Let your personality shine through

Your personality should be reflected in your own home. Now, that doesn’t mean you should keep your home messy, because you’re a laidback type, but rather infuse your space with tiny details that make your home unique. For example, hanging the wall art of your favorite artists or even framing movie posters that will definitely add some charm to your place. Use anything you like to make your home more personal and intimate, just remember to keep the balance between kitschy and maximalist.

6. The smell does matter, too

There’s nothing more pleasant that the smell of homemade cooking, but even then, you need to be careful so your home won’t entirely smell of onions or spices, no matter how enticing it might be. Therefore, using air fresheners is a great solution, and if possible, make sure to use a DIY one, as it’s healthier and smells much better. A lot of homemade air fresheners contain essential oils and aromatic drops, so feel free to experiment with various types until you find your perfect combo. Lavender oil and lemon oil are always a good idea, especially if you’re a smoker or if your guests enjoy a cigarette or two and you don’t want to tell them to go outside to smoke.


Making your house more attractive and welcoming to your guests can be a great way to improve your interiors, but never forget to put your priorities first. People that visit you will always appreciate your home if you make them feel accepted and welcome.

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Article Author Details

Carolin Petterson

Carolin Petterson is a businesswoman and content marketer with years of experience under her belt. She has had the opportunity to contribute to a number of popular business and marketing websites.