7 Alarming Signs That You Need to Visit a Dentist ASAP

If you want to have strong and healthy teeth and gums, you need to take care of them. There are a lot of conditions that can affect your oral cavity. Some of them occur suddenly while others can develop for a long time. In any case, all oral issues should be examined and treated by a specialist. In this article, we have gathered seven alarming signs that you need to visit a dentist ASAP.


1. You experience a toothache

A toothache is a quite common issue for many people. If your teeth hurt, it is essential to make an appointment with your dentist since there are a lot of conditions that can cause it. The most common of them include:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum recession
  • Tooth fracture
  • Enamel wear
  • Dental abscess

Indeed, you can use home remedies or pain medication to ease a toothache for some time. But only a dentist can define and treat the underlying cause of your pain. 

2. You have bad breath

There are a lot of factors that can cause bad breath (halitosis). The most common of them are poor oral hygiene, the consumption of smelly foods, and digestive issues that can make your breath stink. However, oral issues can also lead to halitosis. For example, people with gum disease often have bad breath especially if their condition is advanced. That’s why it is better to visit a dentist for a thorough examination.

3. Your gums are bleeding

If you have noticed that your gums are bleeding, it is better to make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. The point is that gum bleeding usually manifests the development of gum disease. When your gums become inflamed, they can start to bleed during tooth brushing or eating. Fortunately, the initial stage of gum disease can be easily and efficiently treated by a specialist.

4. You have chipped a tooth

Even though chipped teeth are more common for children and people who are fond of contact sports, this unpleasant issue can happen to everyone. However, many people with chipped teeth don’t rush to a dentist, especially if they don’t experience any pain or discomfort. But you should know that a chipped tooth is more prone to tooth decay and dental abscess. That’s why it is better to contact a cosmetic dentist to restore the damaged tooth.

5. You have a swollen gum

If you have noticed that your gum is swollen, it can be a sign of a dental abscess. Other symptoms of this condition include toothache, bad breath, increased teeth sensitivity, and unpleasant taste in the mouth. Due to the fact that this condition leads to the development of a sac with pus, it is essential to undergo treatment immediately to prevent its rupture.

6. You experience increased teeth sensitivity

An increased teeth sensitivity is a condition in which your teeth react with the pain to irritants like cold air, sweet food, hot drinks, etc. This condition can develop because of enamel wear, tooth decay, gum recession (when the roots of the tooth become exposed), dental abscess, tooth fracture, and other factors. Due to the variety of causes, increased teeth sensitivity should be treated by a dentist.

7. You have lost a tooth

Many people who have missing teeth think that there is no need to replace them. But the reality is that a gap between the teeth can lead to facial asymmetry, problems with eating, teeth shifting, and aesthetic issues. So if you have lost a tooth recently, contact your dentist and get a dental implant or bridge as soon as possible.

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Article Author Details

Amelia Grant

I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care, wellness and other advice that may be helpful for people.