Everyday Tips for a Healthy, Beautiful Appearance

Tips for Healthy Skin – Health and beauty go hand in hand together, so developing healthy habits will certainly reflect on how you look. Achieve a natural glow by tweaking your daily routine a bit. Here are 10 tips that will help you!

Tips for Healthy Skin

A healthy diet is important

The food you eat reflects not only on your weight but also on your skin. So, skip junk food and make sure you fill your plate with a colourful array of fruits and veggies. Pay special attention to antioxidant-rich foods, as these are going to protect your skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. Skin-friendly foods include spinach, broccoli, berries, tomatoes, fatty fish, nuts like walnuts, bell peppers, and so on.

Drink more water

Does your skin feel dry and dull? It’s not enough to moisturize it regularly from the outside – you also need to hydrate it from the inside. Skin that looks lifeless might mean that you are not hydrating it enough, so, it is worth paying attention to how much water you are drinking a day. Our bodies are largely made up of this liquid, so you need to drink the appropriate amount based on your height, weight, and level of physical activity. Consult an online calculator to get an approximate number.

Wear sunscreen every day

While it is true that vitamin D is indispensable for our bone health, too much sun is not a good idea if you want to maintain a youthful and fresh appearance. The pleasant warmth of the sun rays also brings with it harmful UV rays that wreak havoc on your skin over time. They can not only damage your skin and cause skin cancer, but they will also lead to the premature aging of the skin and the appearance of dark spots. Prevention is better than cure, so make sure you apply sunscreen every day, and not just on sunny summer days.

Get enough sleep

Our bodies heal while we sleep, and it’s not for nothing that people often refer to their rest time as “beauty sleep.” Your skin will show if you are suffering from sleep deprivation, and not only in the form of dark circles. A lack of sleep also raises your cortisol levels that can lead to other skin problems like acne and premature aging. Therefore, make sure you turn in early every day. You will feel and look refreshed the next day.

Stick to a skincare routine

If you are above 20 and still don’t have a trusted skincare routine, it is high time you developed one. Healthy skin is the best makeup one can wear, so make sure you find the right products for your skin type and stick to a rigorous routine every day. You need to start by cleansing. Double cleansing would be the best way to go: first, remove any makeup that is clogging your pores. You should also use a cleanser that will remove any residue and oil that the makeup remover missed. Use warm water instead of hot when you’re washing your face so as not to dry out your skin. The following steps will highly depend on your own needs, but usually, a toner, a serum, and a moisturizer are used daily. Don’t forget to add an under-eye cream to brighten up any dark circles.

Groom your brows

Your eyebrows play a more important role in your overall look than you might think. Eyebrows that are plucked too thin can easily age you. Having to draw your eyebrows day after day is also bothersome and will never look as natural. At the same time, ignoring your brows can lend you an unkempt appearance. Therefore, you need to find a golden balance. You might want to consult a specialist to learn the most ideal thickness and shape for your face and then regularly maintain it yourself. However, remember that leaving your brows full is always a better course of action than overplucking them.

Ensure a healthy smile

Your smile plays a central role in your appearance; no accessory is as powerful as a bright, healthy smile. So, be sure to take care of your pearly whites: stick to a strict oral hygiene routine that involves brushing and flossing at regular intervals. Go to your checkups and should you need it, discuss whitening options with your dentist. If your smile has some imperfections and it makes you feel insecure, seek out an orthodontist who will be able to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Additionally, you should be mindful of staining foods and drinks that could be ruining the brightness of your teeth: tea, coffee, and tomato sauce are just some examples.

Be gentle with your hair

Another key part of our appearance is our hair. Everyone wants thick, charming, shiny hair, and if your hair looks lifeless and dull, you might be wondering what you are doing wrong. There are a few habits that could improve the look of your hair. Firstly, do not wash it too often! It is a misconception that you need to wash your hair every day. Such treatment will strip it of its natural oils and reach the opposite effect. You should also skip using heat tools whenever you can. Letting your hair air dry is much better for it. Finally, go to your hairdresser more often. Getting a fresh haircut every 2 months will keep your hair in shape and make you feel pretty.

Get in shape

When you’re feeling great, it also reflects on your appearance: you will look more balanced and confident, exuding positive energy. Getting in shape can help you achieve this. Exercise not only improves your health and body shape; it’s also a fantastic antidote to stress and other mental health woes, making you feel happier. So, put on your running shoes and go for a 30-minute jog, or hit up the gym and sweat out your stress. The benefits are tangible.

Wear natural-looking makeup

Wearing a lot of makeup can ruin your hard work at achieving a natural, healthy glow. Therefore, if you decide to wear makeup, consider going for a natural look. Instead of full-face foundation, just use a bit of concealer and let your skin breathe. Instead of heavy eye-shadow, just use some mascara to maintain your natural look. A little makeup can be more than enough to emphasize you’re a natural beauty. Instead of spending money on 30 different makeup products, make sure you nourish your skin from the inside with a healthy diet, plenty of water, and enough sleep.

Implementing these healthy beauty tips will help you both look and feel good in your skin. All you need to do is be more mindful of your daily habits, and you’ll notice the difference!

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Article Author Details

Alison Pearson

Alison Pearson is an interior design student. She is a writer and designer, but her ultimate passion is design and creation. She is also a bibliophile and her favourite book is "The Sound and the Fury" by William Faulkner. Follow her on Twitter.