7 Ways Freelancers Can Improve Their Productivity Today

Ways To Increase Your Productivity As A Freelancer

If you love your life as a freelancer, you’re not alone. Many solopreneurs enjoy setting their schedule and working wherever they want.

Even though being a freelancer comes with a lot of freedom, that’s not always a good thing.

You may find yourself getting in a rut by staying up too late. And, admit it, but you’re too lazy to set up a functional workspace because the sofa is so comfy.

Or, on the other end of the spectrum, you may be so productive that you don’t see yourself slowing down anytime soon.

Trust us when we say that at some point, every freelancer needs to improve their productivity.

When you get to that stage, or if you’re already there, here are seven ways to become more productive. It’s time to get the job done!

1. Find Out What Inspires You to Stay Productive

You’re not always going to feel productive, as we just discussed. To prepare for times of lack of motivation, make a list of things that inspire you.

That way, when you’re having a hard time putting in your best effort, you can take a step back and get inspired again.

Here are a few things you can do to get motivated and do a killer job:

  • Listen to podcasts by motivational speakers.

  • Read inspiring books by well-known authors.

  • Follow blogs of other entrepreneurs and motivational figures.

  • Write down positive affirmations and quotes in a journal.

  • Get outdoors and enjoy nature.

Knowing how to combat those days when you don’t feel like doing anything will urge you to keep moving forward.

2. Get Organized

A large part of being a freelancer is staying organized. If you’re disorganized, it takes away from your productivity. You’re always looking for a file when you should have created a designated folder for it.

Staying organized goes beyond knowing where to find your files, though. You should also have a calendar and appointment scheduler.

Figure out an effective way for your clients to schedule an appointment with you. One example is using a tool like Square Appointments (more on that here). Using software like this will make it convenient for clients to book appointments.

Whatever apps and tools you use, they should keep you organized. And thus, they’ll improve your productivity.

3. Put Together a Functional Workspace

Having a comfortable work area is essential. But more importantly, where you work should be functional.

It’s terrible if you plan to work on your sofa day in and day out. You won’t maintain good posture, and you may find yourself falling asleep on the job!

A functional workspace should include a desk, chair, and have natural lighting. If possible, decorate the surrounding area with elements in calming colors.

And where you work should be away from distractions or noise. For example, you may hear a dog barking in your neighborhood towards the front of the house. If that’s the case, set up your office away from the noise.

Working in an area free of distraction and that’s neat and organized will ensure you stay on task.

4. Get Dressed as if You’re Going to an Office

Even though it’s tempting to wear your pajamas every day, you’ll feel a lot better if you put on work attire instead.

That doesn’t mean you have to get completely dressed up in a pair of slacks and a button-down shirt. But you should wear a nicer looking shirt and comfortable yet stylish pants.

Besides, if you take the time to dress as if you were going to work, you’ll be all set for an impromptu Zoom meeting!

Set aside some work outfits to wear, and you’ll likely be more productive as well. You’re setting the stage for as if you were in a physical office.

That should make you feel geared up to get a lot done!

5. Stop Procrastinating

Are you bad at waiting until the very last minute to deliver something to your client? Stop this bad habit!

You may be putting off doing a task because you’re afraid of doing something incorrectly. Don’t let fear stop you from working, because making mistakes is how you learn!

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Many entrepreneurs are perfectionists. But the reality is there’s no such thing as doing everything the right way.

So the next time you procrastinate because you’re afraid you won’t do an error-free job, stop for a minute. At that point, it’s time to remind yourself that perfection doesn’t exist.

All you can do is your best and learn along the way.

6. Set Up a Reward System

Are you doing an awesome job for a client, or are getting things done on time? Reward yourself a little!

Setting up a reward system will help you stay motivated to continue to put in a reasonable effort.

Treat yourself to a nice dinner once a week if you get everything done on time. And say you accomplish your goals in a specific timeframe. You could treat yourself to a vacation at the end of the year for a job well done!

Having an incentive to continue to grow your business (as long as you don’t get overwhelmed!) will encourage you to work hard to get good results.

7. Stay Active

It’s hard to accomplish work when you’re not taking breaks. Besides relaxing and enjoying life, stay physically active.

That means you should get your heart rate up at least four to five days out of the week.

Find an exercise such as bike riding, hiking, or kickboxing to stay healthy. Working out will also help remove any frustrations you’re experiencing as well.

You may find that exercising will make you more productive at work. Another bonus is you may find a new hobby you enjoy!

In Conclusion

Being productive doesn’t always come easy, but it has massive rewards. You get your work done on time and feel a lot less stressed out.

It’s also a big confidence booster. You believe in your abilities more and are eager to do even bigger and better things.

If at any time you feel like you’re having a hard time staying on task, keep these ideas in the back of your mind.

Now that you know how to combat procrastination, you should be all set!

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Article Author Details

Daisy Andrew