Top Tips for Powerful Mobile App Development Using AI

AI in mobile apps

AI in Mobile Apps

Computers are used everywhere- from providing billing at a small enterprise to launching a rocket into space. Most of these things are based on the use of AI as a whole methodology of computers in think and learn mode. AI can be applied in Mobile Application development in several ways. An app developer can incorporate AI into their project depending on the task on hand. Artificial Intelligence is fastly becoming the primary determinant in the direction of most of today’s app development.

A decade ago, when the world got introduced to mobile apps, they were simple and did very little. Many mobile apps have influenced everything in our daily chores, right from social interaction to business strategies.

Now when we think about AI, the first name that pops up in our mind is Siri or Alexa. The concept of smart assistants has solved many everyday tasks for millions of users across different industries.

With technological advancements, AI is now no longer limited to smart assistance. It now also acts as a catalyst in improving the user experience on mobile applications. AI-enabled the evolution of mobile applications by transforming them into intelligent software pieces which are capable of predicting user behavior and decision making.

Artificial Intelligence Contribution to Mobile Application Development 

  1. Voice Assistant: Voice search and voice command search are some of the popular advances in AI. From typing to now asking the assistant, AI has made it easy. AI made it possible to search for answers even without unlocking the phone. Voice command allows you to respond to text messages without having to type. Cool enough right!
  2. Facial Recognition: This has become a popular feature on smartphones given its ease to use. These systems use algorithms to recognize the face and unlock the phone or apps. Companies are to implement more advanced algorithms in the future to identify changes in facial features.
  3. Smart Camera: Mobile manufacturers have made significant advances in the camera feature. It is now one of the most important areas in which the android app development personnel are making considerable advancements. Cameras can now detect the subject in the frame and categorize them as a face, food, animals, etc. and adjust the setting to produce the best possible outcome. It can also identify and enhance the feature and result in an outstanding portrait image. More advanced features can count the calories in the food from a simple photo.
  4. Translator: The vast array of translation apps is inoperable without internet access. Advanced AI could allow smartphones to translate & transliterate into different languages in real-time without internet connectivity. AI provides a language instruction tool that can allow the phrases to be translated without time lag and can be adjusted for latency using AI. This would be incredibly beneficial for languages that require a longer time lag for accurate translation.


  • Assistance in monotonous tasks
  • Accuracy
  • Improved customer experience
  • Customer Retainment


AI is to open up a lot of innovative opportunities for innovation in the mobile application industry. As a result of artificial intelligence, there have been considerable changes in user interaction with the applications.

In the near future, the users will also be linked with an ecosystem of intelligent applications which will collaborate to provide a personalized user experience. AI helps you understand your users in the following ways:

  • It can collect user data by analyzing the user behavior and interaction in the application. AI can also store the data collected.
  • The data collected by AI includes essential data like location, contact, and daily interactions, which are used to serve the users better.
  • AI in mobile apps has demonstrated its value in business growth and user engagement.

A smart AI ecosystem can collect a large amount of social and behavioral interest which will be used to boost the user experience and boost overall revenue. Thus it is critical to include AI in mobile applications. In simple words, AI is reshaping the smartphone industry.

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