Best Guide to Become a Driving Instructor

Become a Driving Instructor

Today, there are around 1.4 billion drivers in the world, which is an all-time high but this figure keeps rising. What this means is that becoming a driving instructor might be quite lucrative. One thing is certain, with growing demand, the supply (the number of driving schools, in this particular scenario), will grow, as well. This means that the job market is quite favorable towards driving instructors.

Driving is a requirement in modern society. You might get locked out of many job opportunities and have to significantly alter your lifestyle if you don’t know how to drive. Therefore, being a driving instructor can also be seen as a noble profession. With that in mind and without further ado, here’s what you need to know in order to become a driving instructor.

Fulfill the Requirements

In order to be a driving instructor, you need to fulfill a couple of criteria. First, you need to be older than 21 and have a couple of years of driving experience. Second, you need to have your driver’s license and driving instructor certificate. Seeing as how every state has its own specific requirements, you need to check this on the official government website.

When it comes to skills you need to possess, there are a couple that stands out. First of all, you need to have your speech checked. While behind the wheel, they’re your responsibility. If you can’t say the word “stop” clearly and immediately, chances are that you won’t be allowed to be a driving instructor. No, this is not discriminatory towards people who stutter – it’s necessary for everyone’s safety.

Getting the License

In order to be a driving instructor, you don’t have to have a degree. A high school diploma will do just fine. All you need is a valid driving license and driving instructor certification. Therefore, you need to start by looking for a school offering this kind of education. The quality and the reputation of the school could make a massive difference in the type of education you receive.

Keep in mind that in order to get the certification, you need to prove your skills, experience, and understanding of the subject matter. In some states, in order to get a license, you will need to have at least several years of driving experience (from the moment you got your driver’s license) before becoming a driving instructor.

Psychology and Didactic Methodology

Remember, you’re not just there to transfer a certain set of skills to them. This could be done by an inanimate learning material. The role of a driving instructor is far more complex and relevant. Some people have problems with confidence, others are overconfident. Therefore, a driving instructor needs to be a psychologist and a teacher at the same time.

It is also important that you pay attention. if they’re distracted, they’re a danger for both themselves and everyone around them. It is your job to notice this in time and warn them about this sort of behavior. Sometimes, cutting a lesson short is a better alternative than risking it all. In other words, being perceptive can make a huge difference when it comes to overall safety.


In order to make a success in this industry, you want to offer more than other instructors. For instance, parallel parking doesn’t often get an in-depth explanation. Moreover, you might want to learn a thing or two (as well as take a course) in defensive driving. This way, the value you provide to your learners will be immense and you will become much more appealing to various driving schools.

Remember, becoming employable increases your options. Keep in mind that being a driving instructor is a career, which means that it depends on your willingness to self-improve. Always be on the lookout for practical driving skills.

Obtaining and Maintaining Licensure

In some states, you will have to demonstrate your practical knowledge of traffic. Here, they will also test your verbal skills, seeing as how ambiguity could convey the wrong message to a learner, perhaps even putting them in danger.

Most importantly, you need to renew your certificate and licensure. They only last for so long and upon their expiry, you will have to reapply for renewal. This means a new background check (both criminal and driving record).

In conclusion

In the end, the key thing worth remembering is that a career in this field comes with a lot of responsibility. You’re not just responsible for your students while they’re at your driving school. Teaching them incorrectly, skipping something important, or omitting something life-saving can be incredibly hurtful for both them and every other traffic participant. A lot of people can’t stand this pressure, while some just don’t care as much. In other words, it’s not for everyone and you need to be 100% sure that you’re cut out for it.

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Article Author Details

Isaac Brunt