The 4 Best TV Shows to Catch Up On This Year

4 Best TV Shows 2017

Best TV Shows The walking dead

Many current TV shows have just wrapped up their most recent seasons, but you don’t have to wait until fall to get your fix. If you are looking for a show (or four) to catch up on this year, consider the following hit shows:

The Walking Dead

Having just ended the run of its seventh season, The Walking Dead stunned viewers all season long. Between shocking character deaths (especially at the hands of the villain Negan and his baseball bat, Lucille) and warring factions struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested world, this season did not lack in the drama department.

Since Season 8 will begin with the series’ 100th episode, viewers can expect something intense. As we’ve come to expect from the show, anything might happen. So, if you’re behind on your TWD viewing, now might be a great time to get the DVDs from a site like Pristine Sales and brush up on episodes from the last seasons.

Twin Peaks

It has been just about 26 years since the last episode of Twin Peaks was aired on ABC. Only in its second season, the network pulled the plug on the show after it had reportedly pressed show-runners Mark Frost and David Lynch to resolve the main plot (the murder of high schooler Laura Palmer) in the middle of Season 2.

Frost and Lynch followed the show with a movie prequel called Twin Peaks: Fire, Walk With Me, but they had to wait for over 25 years (which is, appropriately, a period of time significant to the plot) to get the green light for another season, which will start airing on Showtime on May 21, 2017.

Many beloved actors and their characters will be returning, including The Log Lady (played by Catherine E. Coulson), Albert Rosenfield (Miguel Ferrer), and Dr. Will Hayward (Warren Frost), all of whom passed away after filming for the new season.

New cast members include serial Lynch collaborator Laura Dern, Josh McDermitt (of TWD fame), and Naomi Watts. Since so much time has elapsed from the time Season 2 ended, it might be wise to go back and watch the two initial seasons so that you can be prepared for the new series.

Stranger Things

A show that has often been compared to Twin Peaks, Stranger Things became Netflix’s runaway hit in its first season. Since it has just been announced that the second season will air this coming Halloween (Tuesday, October 31st, 2017), now might be the best time to go back and watch the first season.

The new season will introduce several new child and adult characters, played by Sadie Sink, Paul Reiser, and Sean Astin. The second season is slated to take place one year after the events that took place in the second season, and it is bound to explain some of the things that previously happened in the plot. Therefore, it might be a good idea to brush up on your Stranger Things by binge-watching the first season.

Designated Survivor

Although it is till airing new episodes from the lengthy first season, Designated Survivor is a show densely-packed with action and characters, making the plot pretty intense. The shows stars Kiefer Sutherland as the designated survivor who inherits the American presidency after a bomb explodes at the Capitol Building, taking out the President, Vice-President, and the rest of his Cabinet.

Throughout the series so far, Sutherland’s character, President Tom Kirkman, has been trying to uncover the conspirators and motive behind the Capitol Building bombing. As each episode progresses, the plot further thickens.

It is currently unclear as to whether there will be a second season, but it seems likely that we will see more of it next fall. If you’re looking for a fast-paced political crime drama, Designated Survivor is worth the binge-watching.

All of these shows have something unique to offer viewers. Whether you prefer a crime drama with a comedic twist, politically-charged action and dialog, quirky characters and a supernatural plot, or people getting eaten by zombies, these four shows all have well-developed characters and plot lines that make them worth binging on.

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Article Author Details

Dixie Somers

Dixie is a freelance writer from Arizona who loves to write for business, health, home, and family. Dixie lives in Arizona with her husband and three beautiful daughters who are the inspiration for her writing.