Cars24 Method Of Car Valuation: Finding Your Used Car Value

Used Car Value

Do you want to sell your old car? But have you been finding it very difficult to get the right price for the vehicle? Well, if you try to take people’s opinions, you might end up getting confused. On the other hand, you do not want to end up losing a lot of money because of the lack of information.

So, if you are a newbie and do not know anything about selling a car, you might want to find the valuation of the used car at first and then go ahead with the selling. If you want to find out the valuation of your used car, you can go to Cars24 website. We have discussed the steps to determine the valuation of used cars below. Follow the steps to know how it works.

car dealership

Photo by Obi – @pixel6propix on Unsplash

How Do Car Dealers Measure The Right Value of A Car?

  • To get to know about the used car valuation, you need to go to the Cars24 website.
  • After going to the website to find out the used car’s valuation, you can find an orange button that says ‘Evaluate Car Valuation’.
  • Once you click on that button, the system redirects you to another page where you can find out a list of car brands. You need to select the brand name of your car from the given list.
  • In the list, you can choose the brand name or you can find a search bar at the top of the list. You can type the name of the car brand there too.
  • Once you select the brand name of your second-hand car, you need to select the car model. You can select the model name under the ‘Popular section’ model to do that. You can also type the name of the model name of your car in the search bar.
  • Now, after getting redirected to ‘Car Manufacturing Year’, you need to select a year when your car was manufactured or like earlier, you can type the year too.
  • Once you select the year of manufacturing the car, the system redirects you to another page where you can see the fuel type on the left side of the page. The first option is Diesel and the other one is Petrol. Sometimes you can get other fuel variations too. For example, you can also get CNG. So choose the fuel type of your car by clicking on the option.
  • Next, choose the ‘variant’ of the fuel. Here you can find four options: XE, XM, XT 1.5 RTQ and the last one is XZ 1.5 RTQ.
  • In the next step, you can find the ‘Kilometers Driven’ section. From the given options, you need to choose the driving capability of your car.
  • In the next step, you need to provide the name of the state where your car has been registered. For example, if you have registered a car in Gujarat, you have to select GJ.
  • Now, select the RTO code. After selecting the registration state, you can find the section of the RTO code. Select one from the options given below or you can type on the search bar too.
  • Once you choose the RTO code, the system redirects you to another page where you can see a box to provide your phone number. You can also find another option called ‘Edit Car Details’. You can edit the details of your car by clicking on this button too.
  • After providing the phone number, you can fix the appointment with the website.
  • Once the inspection is complete, You can sell your car and get the amount instantly.


Selling a car is more tiresome than buying one. You can never decide the value of your used car by talking to your relatives or friends. Websites like Cars24 can help you get the used car valuation by following the simple steps mentioned above, and you can get the money instantly.

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Article Author Details

Ronny Ahluwalia