Tips for Increasing Your Car’s Resale Value

Every car owner should be concerned about the safety and reliability of their car and there are many reasons for that. To begin with, we all want to get from one place to another safely and without any problems. However, that is impossible without proper care and maintenance. That is the only way to ensure that your investment (and your car is a proper one) pays off. Still, the benefits do not end there. Apart from having a safe and reliable car, looking after it will help you increase your car’s resale value.

increase your car’s resale value

The time will come when you’ll realize that your car is no longer suitable and you’ll start looking for a new one. Still, new(er) models are expensive, which is why getting as much cash as possible for your old car is quite important. In order to help you boost the resale value of your car, we’ve prepared the following list of tips that you should definitely follow, since they are based on both the experience of those who have already sold their used cars and on current market trends.

Regular maintenance is a must

Maintaining your car regularly is the easiest and most efficient way of increasing the value of your car or at least losing as little money as possible when you decide to sell it. What you need to pay attention to are two things: maintenance should be proper and regular. It’s something that starts as soon as you buy the car and lasts until to hand over its keys to a new owner. Make sure you regularly replace certain parts, as recommended by the manufacturer, at the specific period. Also, it’s always better to have a complete service history recorded by a licenced mechanic than try to persuade a potential buyer you’ve taken good care of your car without any evidence. Having such a document also shows prospective buyers that you’ve really taken good care of your vehicle.

Wax polish and shine

No matter how much you try, you won’t be able to sell your car in pristine showroom condition. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make your car as presentable as possible. For example, giving it a wax polish and shine will certainly make your car stand out. Don’t forget that it’s your car’s exterior that prospective buyers first see, and we all know how important the first impression can be. Also, every buyer obviously would like to own a car that looks close to new if not completely new. So, clean up small gaps, tar marks, plastic parts and make sure you wax your car. Needless to say, make sure there are no fuel or oil leaks that need to be rectified and give the engine a good clean one day before showing the car to potential buyers.

Upgrade it

Another way to show you’ve been giving your car proper attention is to upgrade it. The upgrades don’t need to be very expensive, but it’s important that you install only the parts that the manufacturer recommends. If you’re looking for a good supplier, you should definitely look at those with a history of working with powerful race motors, since they surely know how to help you get better performance from the engine.

Exhaust system

Having a reliable performance exhaust system can make a big difference to both the driving experience and the resale value of your car. That’s why you should seriously consider replacing the old exhaust on your old car, which will improve your car’s performance, while lowering its consumption. Last but not least, your car will look and sound much better.

Clean headlights

It may seem trivial, but this tip is really useful. Actually, there are at least two good reasons for keeping your headlights as clean as possible. The first one, obviously, is the fact that you want them to provide enough light when you drive at night. The second one is the way your car looks with clean headlights. They boost the overall look of your car, i.e. make it easier to get the asking price. If you don’t want to have the headlights cleaned by a professional, you can save some money by getting a DIY headlight-cleaning kit. It comes with instructions on how to clean up the grime from the headlight and give it a refreshing look. If you want to invest even less, use toothpaste and a soft cloth. The result may not be exactly the same, but you’ll still be able to do a decent job. You may wish to apply polish later to make the headlight lens shine or have them polished professionally.

Clean the interior

One of the things you can do without any professional help is to thoroughly clean the interior of your car. Start by vacuuming the whole interior, before you move to cleaning the carpet, floor mats, seats and window glass. AC vents, switches and panels should also be cleaned, and you can find many different reasonably priced cleaning kits to help you with that. In case that seems like too much work, you can always turn to professionals in car washing and cleaning, but you’ll have to be ready to pay more.

Replace inexpensive spares

Inexpensive spare parts, such as interior lights, brake pads and wipers should be replaced before selling. This will not only shed the age of the car, but also give the car a fresh look. Certain parts will also help the car to perform better, while parts like lights show that everything is in working order. Don’t forget to tighten any lose interior plastics or parts that may have loosened with time. Minor dents and scratches should also be taken care of, while getting the car prepared for sale.

Although it could be difficult to decide what improvements are worth making before selling your car, there are still some things that are universally accepted as desirable. The fact that these tips above are rather inexpensive makes them more likely to be a shrewd investment. What is possibly even more important is that they do work, which is ultimately the most important reason why should follow them.

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Article Author Details

Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to health and alternative medicine. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.