Common Semitruck Maintenance Mistakes To Avoid

Common Semitruck Maintenance Mistakes To Avoid

As a trucker, you understand the importance of ensuring your semitruck is in good condition. Checking the tire pressure, using the correct fluids, and paying attention to the truck’s efficiency will help you have successful trips. By regularly checking your vehicle for maintenance, you can avoid breakdowns, delays, and other mishaps on the road.

Prevent potential delays and make your journey safer by avoiding these common semitruck maintenance mistakes. You can save time and money on the road by preventing these mishaps.

Forgetting To Check Your Brakes

Neglecting your brakes is one of the worst things you can do as someone who operates a heavy-duty vehicle. You put yourself at risk as well as others on the road. Semitrucks require regular maintenance and special inspection to ensure that driving on the road is safe. Over time, the brakes will wear, and neglecting repairs can cause accidents. Check your brakes every three months to avoid expensive repairs and horrendous incidents.

Not Doing Routine Maintenance

Whether you’re a new or experienced driver, there are a few things that you should consider practicing. Along with learning the basics of trucking and adjusting to the lifestyle, learning basic maintenance skills is essential. A common semitruck maintenance mistake you should avoid is neglecting your routine maintenance check.

Semitruck repairs and replacements are expensive and time-consuming, which can leave you idle for some time. This can cause you to miss out on cargo transport opportunities. To avoid delays and preventable damage, inspect your oil levels, tire pressure, brakes, and cargo equipment to keep you, your load, your truck, and other drivers safe.

Ignoring the Warning Signs

Just like regular vehicles, semi-trucks will alert you if something’s wrong. Ignoring the warning lights and small wear and tear can snowball into a much larger issue, which can turn into a safety concern. Pay special attention to your oil pressure, engine, brakes, and fluid lights to ensure your truck runs smoothly. Continuing to drive with these warning lights is extremely risky and can potentially put you and others on the road in danger.

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Article Author Details

Shea Rumoro