Common Reasons to Use Design Patterns

There are many different types of design patterns that are used in the development of software and apps today. Using design patterns helps developers to work faster on their projects. They will already have a basic framework on which they can build, and when they understand the various patterns, they will know how they should work. You can see some unique solutions from Exyte here. This should help to make testing and debugging easier.

When using design patterns, there is the benefit of the unification of code. This means that it will be easier to reuse elements of the code and to find any locations where there might be mistakes. Finding solutions to problems is often easier, even when a pattern is being looked at by a different development team. As long as they can identify the type of design pattern that was used, they will understand how it should work. They will know where all of the “pieces” are coming into play. This allows developers to quickly and easily understand the code they are looking at, which will make finding errors faster.

Because these design patterns make use of proven architecture and design, it also means that developers will have a strong initial start. They will understand what needs to be done, and it can make the journey from the idea for an app to one that is actually functioning properly much faster.

There are many benefits to using design patterns, and most development teams will make use of them in some capacity. This is particularly true when it comes to iOS design. However, you can find these patterns in use elsewhere, as well. It is important for developers to be familiar with the various patterns, so they know when they should be used and how to find issues in an app if they exist.

The Main Types of Design Patterns

At their basic level, there are three main types of design patterns – Creational, Behavioral, and Structural. Within each of these three categories, there are a number of design patterns, which have a wide range of different uses and functions. There are 23 in all, but some of them tend to be used rarely. Below are the names of several of the more commonly used options in each of the categories.

            •           Creational – These types of patterns are often used as a way to create object mechanisms. They are able to provide more flexibility when it comes to object creation in regard to the who, what, how, and when of the object created.

            •           Singleton

            •           Factory

            •           Builder

            •           Abstract Factory

            •           Behavioral – These design patterns will help to identify common communication patterns in objects, and they will have the ability to recognize the patterns. The patterns provide flexibility to help carry out communication.

            •           Observer

            •           Memento

            •           Template

            •           Command

            •           Structural – Structural design patterns will help to make design easier. It can identify simple ways to realize relationships between different entities in the code.

            •           Adapter

            •           Decorator

            •           Façade

            •           MVC

How to Select the Right Design Patterns

Given the fact that there are so many different types of design patterns, it can often be difficult to make sure you are choosing the right option. It can be hard to know which pattern will solve the problem, particularly for those who are new. However, there are certain tips that can be followed as a means to help narrow the selection and choose the right design pattern.

The very first thing that the developer needs to do before they can choose a design pattern is to know the types of problems that they will need to solve in their app. You need to understand how you want the app to function and what you need it to do in order to then find a pattern that will work. It’s typically better to start with the problem and then find the pattern that can help rather than attempting to learn all of the patterns because there are so many.

Once you have an idea of the problems that will need to be solved, you can then start to look closer at the different patterns, including the design patterns above. You will want to look at an overview of the pattern and the types of problems that they can solve to help narrow your selection

You will want to have an understanding of how each of those patterns will solve design problems and how they might end up causing other issues in the design. Consider the way they work and who they can help to solve the types of problems that you are facing with the app development. Always make sure to understand the pros and cons before simply implementing a design pattern and hoping that it will work.

You should look at the intent section of the design pattern’s specification and study how the patterns will relate to one another. This can help you when choosing a single pattern, as well as several patterns that might need to work together.

When you find patterns that have a similar purpose, you will want to compare and contrast them. What about the patterns do you need and what do you not need? This can help you choose between two patterns that have similar functions, but that have somewhat different features. For example, one pattern might not interrelate with other elements in the project as a different pattern.

With coding, finding a simple solution tends to be the best solution in most cases. You will not want to overengineer your app, as this could end up causing more problems than you will then have to chase and fix. Take your time and find the right options for your particular problem.

Final Words

Design patterns can help to make the creation and the development of your apps much easier and faster. There is the potential to help reduce costs when patterns are used, as they can help to cut down on the number of errors and fixes that will need to be made. Just make sure that the right design pattern is chosen for the job.

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Article Author Details

Harry Miller