Easiest Ways To Create Custom Holiday Product Packaging

It’s easier than ever before for any brand to decorate product packaging for the holidays. An order of digitally printed flexible packaging such as films or custom stand up pouches can be printed on demand in just 10 to 15 days after the artwork is approved. Whether a company wants to incorporate holiday imagery into product labeling or develop unique flexible packaging designs for gifting, find out how digital printing makes jobs of any run length easy and affordable.

Choose a Festive Design

Holiday packaging often features imagery and color accents that are associated with the winter season in the northern hemisphere or particular holidays. A brand may find it easier to appeal to a wider range of consumers by releasing limited-edition packaging that bears generic seasonal motifs such as sprigs of holly, fir trees or snowflakes. A brand may also choose to showcase imagery that is associated with specific holidays, though these designs have the potential to limit the appeal of package design.

The colors red and green, the symbol of Santa Claus and decorations on evergreen trees are all associated with celebration of the Christmas holiday. The colors blue and white and symbols such as menorahs or dreidels are associated with the observation of Hanukkah. Other winter are also associated with distinctive color combinations and symbols. A generic festive or seasonal design is the best way to give holiday packaging the widest appeal.

Look Over the Proof

When a brand sets out to release limited edition custom mylar bags or other types of packaging, it is important to maintain a consistently high print resolution across all of the elements of a design. For this reason, brands that are seeking to update packaging should seek out the expertise of professional package design specialists to ensure that the appearance of holiday packaging corresponds to the high quality of products.

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Using Portable Document Format files as image sources eliminates the need for printing plates. These files are also easy to send and receive, making the process of creating the perfect holiday package design easier and faster. Other pre-press services include color matching, die-lines, pre-flighting and optimization. A proof or sample package can demonstrate how a printed design looks on packaging and allows for adjustments prior to printing orders of any run length.

Order a Holiday Print Run

Once a design is approved, a package order is printed on the HP Indigo 20000 digital printing platform. A 29-inch-wide web print space can print on flexible packaging materials of almost any size. This printing technology makes printing off small to medium run length jobs more cost-effective, which is the best approach for special holiday or seasonal packaging.

Updating packaging for the holidays can be a great way to give your products a timely touch. Consumers may be more likely to purchase products packaged in seasonal packaging, particularly if a product can be given as a gift. The ability to print short or medium runs of holiday packaging makes it easier to order the right amount of special packaging for the holiday season.

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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.