Guide To Developing Mobile Apps for Any Business

Mobile app development guide

With more than 275 million people using smartphones in the United States alone, mobile apps have become a must-have technology for many businesses. If you have never developed a mobile app before, you may be confused about where to start. This guide will walk you through the process of developing your first mobile app.

Guide To Developing Mobile Apps

Come Up With Some Ideas

There is not just one perfect app for any business. For most businesses, there are many possibilities for useful apps. Start by brainstorming some ideas. You do not need to limit yourself to just one idea. It is OK to develop multiple apps and give them four to six months to build a user base before deciding whether to move on to something else. Whether you are making a construction app or a banking app, it can sometimes be difficult to predict which apps will take off, so test out a few before you make up your mind.

Map Out a Plan

Once you have an idea you want to flesh out, start by putting that idea down on paper. You will want to include a list of all of the functionality you want the app to have, your target audience, any ideas you have for the user interface and any other relevant information. Consider using a prototype tool to create a mock-up of your final project.

Do Some Market Testing

The best way to gauge the level of interest in your app is to quickly build a prototype with the core functionality and put it on the marketplace. If nobody downloads your app, that should be a pretty good clue that either they are not interested in the app, or you have not done a very good job marketing it. Be sure to solicit feedback from users.

Ask Yourself If an App Is the Best Platform for Your Project

Now that you have a pretty good idea of what you want your app to look like and do, it is a good idea to consider whether a mobile app is the best choice, or if a different platform, such as a mobile website, may work better. Mobile websites can work well for some applications and do not require the user to download anything. Additionally, a mobile website will work on most devices with web browsers. You usually have to make a separate app for different mobile platforms, such as iOS and Android. However, websites are not as engaging or customizable to the individual user as apps.

Decide Whether To Make It Yourself or Outsource

This decision depends on your resources, skill level and goals. If you need to make the app available quickly, you are probably better off to outsource the coding. You can always take over the development and maintenance in-house down the road if you have the skillset and the staff. If you are not in a big hurry and you need to have complete control over the process, then you may want to do it yourself. This option will be easier if you have some experienced app developers on your staff.

Set Your Pricing

If your app is intended to be a complementary service for customers or a tool for your staff, then you probably want to make it free. If it is a value add that you are hoping to make a profit from, you can either charge a set fee, set up a subscription model or offer the app free with in-app purchases. The feedback from your test run should guide you here.

Launch Your App 

You will need a developer account with Apple and Google, which you can get by registering and paying a fee. Once your app is in the store, be sure to market it. Building your first business app can be a lengthy, but rewarding process. If your first app does not succeed, you can always try again, so do not put too much pressure on yourself.

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Article Author Details

Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner loves writing about technology and the impact it has on our lives, especially within businesses.