Effective Natural Remedies To Stop Hair Fall

Hair fall is becoming the most prominent problem that every one of us is facing. Hair is something that adds or eliminates beauty very easily. Good, smooth, and silky hair makes anyone look good whereas thinning and damaged hair will make even the prettiest look ugly.

Effective Natural Remedies To Stop Hair Fall

Usually, we shed around 50 to 150 strands of hair daily. But if you face excessive hair loss then it might be due to hormonal imbalance, hereditary issues, nutrient deficiency, or increased use of toxins. However, you will be able to stop hair fall by just taking proper care of your hair naturally. Listed down are some of the remedies suggested by a famous hair specialist in Pune.

  • Oil Massage

Haircare is a non-negotiable way to increase hair growth. 

Make a mixture of coconut oil, castor oil, and some peppermint oil and gently massage it deeply on your scalp for at least 20 minutes to cool your scalp and nourish it thereby reducing hair fall. 

You can also heat this mixture and use it for hot oil treatment. This will ensure that the nutrients from the oil dives deep into the scalp and strengthens the root to stimulate hair growth.

Read: 6 Effective Ways To Improve Your Hair Growth

Make sure to do this type of massage at least twice a week.

  • Make a hair mask at home

A hair mask will soothe your scalp and rejuvenate roots. Below are some of the DIY hair masks that are easy to make at home.

  • Onion hair mask

Onion is rich in vitamins B, C, and E. It also has regrowth nutrients like zinc, iron, magnesium, and folic acid. Applying an onion hair mask once a week will ensure a strong scalp and healthy roots.

You just have to extract the onion juice and dab it on your scalp with cotton. Make sure to properly apply the juice. Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes and wash it off with a natural shampoo.

  • Aloe vera hair mask

Aloe vera has amazing properties that smoothen your hair and prevents it from damage.

Take a mixture of 2 tablespoons of aloe vera and 1½ tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply it all over your scalp and let it cool for 20 to 30 minutes before washing it. 

  • Try a home hair spa treatment

Hair spa treatment is the best way to maintain healthy and strong hair. You can try your own home hair spa treatment by just following these steps:

Step 1 – Wash your hair with a good shampoo

Step 2 – Apply a homemade conditioning hair mask

Step 3 –  Now give your hair some steam. You can either dip a towel into hot water, knead it well until there is no excess water and wrap it around your head or you can directly make use of hair steamers. 

Step 4 – Now wash the conditioner off and dry your hair with a towel.

Step 5 – Apply a natural serum

A hair spa treatment is essential to make your hair healthier and nutritious. It also improves blood circulation and calms your scalp from drying and irritation. Regular hair spa treatments will make your hair look smooth and shiny. 

  • Take care of your hair after wash

Dry your hair using a soft towel. Do not rub your hair with the towel to dry it. Instead, wrap the towel around your head and let the towel soak excess water in your hair. 

If you do not have time to towel dry, then use a dryer at a moderate heat. However, it is advisable to avoid using a hairdryer to dry your hair.

After drying your hair, use a wide-toothed wooden comb to brush your dry hair. A wooden comb will help you detangle any locks and prevent hair fall. Make sure to not brush your hair when it is still wet. Because hair loss happens rapidly when you comb wet hair. 

  • Regular destress

Stressing is the major cause of most hair-related problems. Stressing too much increases the toxicity level in our body. This adversely affects the root of our hair and weakens the scalp. An increase in toxicity also makes the scalp prone to various fungal infections. 

So, it is extremely important to destress ourselves. Yoga and meditation are known to calm our body and mind and promote peace. You can also destress by just doing the things you enjoy doing. You can watch a movie, go for a walk, meet an old friend or cuddle with a pet.

A hair specialist in Pune suggests that it is imperative to take care of our hair constantly. Make sure you follow all the given tips above to have a damage-free, healthy, and nourishing hair. 

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Article Author Details

Helen Harry