How much weight can you lose with liposuction?

Liposuction surgery procedure permanently removes fat from targeted areas and is very effective as a fat reduction procedure. It is an invasive surgery done with anaesthesia and it involves cutting, stitching and sedating the client. Both men and women can improve their body’s appearance with it.

How long does a Liposuction surgery procedure take?

How much weight can you lose with liposuction

Liposuction can often be done as an outpatient surgery that is one has to be admitted to the hospital for the operation and one will have to remain in the hospital for a few days. The surgery takes 1 to 2 hours and depends on the area under treatment. Recovery may take a few days. One typically needs one session to remove fat but more operations may be scheduled as per the doctor’s advise.

How long is Liposuction recovery?

Usually, it takes 3-5 of post-operative care in the hospital for liposuction recovery. Doctors usually advise that a client waits for a few months before resuming strenuous activity like lifting weights.

What are the results of Liposuction like?

Liposuction is the most popular medical surgical procedures to reduce fat. The complete results may not be noticeable for a few months. Most people need just a single liposuction procedure to see results.

Also Read: Liposuction Surgery: Reduce Your Bulging Belly Fat Instantly

Clients who have had liposuction surgery often complain that results are not immediately visible after the procedure. This is usually due to the swelling that most people experience for a few weeks after the procedure. Final results are generally visible one to three months after the procedure.

Does a person gain weight again after Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction permanently destroys fat cells in the treated areas and is the best surgical fat reduction treatment. But it does not guarantee that fat will not return or regain weight. It should not be treated as an easy weight-loss treatment but should be seen as a surgical procedure that leads to fat reduction and should be used when diet and exercise do not yield the desired results.

One has to continue following a healthy lifestyle with good food habits and light exercise, as advised by the doctors, to maintain the newfound shape and contour. It has often been seen that clients slip back into old sedentary lifestyles with oily fatty food which leads to reaccumulation of fat in the body and weight gain.

What are the side-effects of Liposuction?

Undoubtedly, fat reduction and an improved contour are the positive side-effects of Liposuction surgery along with a boost of self-confidence. It does not improve the appearance of cellulite and neither does it tighten loose skin.

One should remember that Liposuction is a surgical procedure and thus the side-effects are the same as any other surgical procedure.

What is the cost of Liposuction?

The cost of liposuction surgery differs from one person to another and depends on various factors like the body area that is to be operated on, the percentage of fat, the age of the client, the time duration of the stay amongst others. So the cost of liposuction of the upper arms will differ from the cost of buttocks or stomach or chin.

How much weight can a person lose with Liposuction?

It is possible to safely remove up to 5 litres (about 11 pounds) of fat with liposuction surgery. Doctors do not recommend removing more than said amount of fat in a single session as it may adversely affect the health and well-being of the client. It may also affect the liposuction recovery process. If a client needs two or more sessions of liposuction to remove large volumes of fat, doctors advise waiting for a few months before going in for a second procedure.

From a medical standpoint, removing a very high volume of fluid from the body can cause complications such as low blood pressure and fluid shifts into the lungs that can compromise breathing. To prevent such an event, the operating surgeons usually place a fluid called tumescent in the target area. The tumescent fluid usually contains a local anaesthetic such as lidocaine or marcaine for pain control, as well as epinephrine to control bleeding and bruising. The purpose of the tumescent fluid is to replace the volume lost in suction and thus aid in the liposuction recovery process.

It should be noted that while liposuction surgery does lead to weight loss. However, doctors advise treating it as a weight-loss treatment. Liposuction is a fat reduction procedure and should be viewed as such. It should be used to reduce stubborn fat that does not respond to diets and exercise.

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Preeti Gupta

Preeti is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. She is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of Digital Marketing. She loves challenges come in her way. She prefers to share useful information such as technologies updates, overseas education guide, abroad education etc.