How To Distinguish Original Appliance Spares From Counterfeit Ones?

counterfeit parts

As you can’t really avoid your appliances from breaking down, once that happens you have to ensure that you are looking for a high-quality replacement part so you can fix it. But that process will mean that you are going to have to figure out what parts are fake and which ones are real. Counterfeit parts mean that they are produced by using super cheap materials and they are quite hard to differentiate from the high-quality ones if you don’t know what you are looking for.

Purchasing a fake spare part aka the counterfeit one will mean that your appliance will break down fast again, change the energy efficiency rating or even create a life-threatening situation for those around the appliance. That is why you need to ensure that you can differentiate an original part from a counterfeit one and here is how you can do it.

Look At The Warranty

The first and possibly the simplest way you can ensure that the part that you are purchasing is an original is by looking at the warranty. A fake vendor will not give you a warranty on the part that they will sell you. Make sure that the warranty of the part matches with the companies’ policies of the appliance.

The Price

The price of the part is usually one of the best dead giveaways. If you see that the part is super cheap, in most cases that will mean that it is counterfeit.

Carefully Look At The Website

One of the most common ways people get counterfeit parts is by clicking on a fake website. That is why you need to look closely, very closely, and be sure that the site that you are visiting is legit. One of the first dead giveaways is low-quality pictures, not neat writing, or just an overall sketchy-looking site. But there are some really good-looking and convincing scam websites with all the little details, so make sure that you are 100 percent sure that the website is real.

Look At The Packaging

Another simple thing that can be a giveaway of a fake part is its packaging. If you are looking at the parts in person, make sure that you are looking at the packaging that it comes in.

The Product’s Appearance

Just like looking at the packaging that it comes in, always look at the part itself. Original spare parts will be in perfect shape with no symmetry or non-correspondences while counterfeit ones will often have asymmetry, defects as well as being already faulty.

Look At How That Date Is Written

Even though it might seem silly, if the appliance part comes from America the date will be in the order of month/day/year while in other countries it will be day/month/year. So, if you have an appliance that has been made by an American company it is easy to distinguish the original from a fake.

Look For A Safety Certification Label

Every part of the appliance that is a genuine made brand will have a safe clarification label on it. But because even some counterfeit parts can have them too it is important that you know which ones are real ones. The best way to ensure that you are not making a mistake is to see if the label and the products have the same symbols as well as check on online registries for verification of the product number.

Missing Accessories

You have to make sure that all the parts and accessories that should come with the part are there once you have them. If there are wires, plugs, manual, or warranty cards that are missing from the package, that means that they are most likely counterfeit parts. Before you buy it make sure that you are checking inside the box to ensure that you are not washing money, or if you are ordering online, open your whole package on video.

Spot Unauthorised Centres

Even though we should shop from smaller businesses when it comes to spare parts it is important that you are getting them either from the brand itself or an authorized reseller. This will ensure that you are getting a genuine product and not a counterfeit one.

Awkward Phrasing

The most popular way to spot that your spare part is fake is by looking for awkward phrasing. A lot of counterfeit parts are made by foreign entities which are not familiar with the English language. Keep an eye out for any errors in manuals or documents they have provided you with.

If there is even one reg flag present, maybe skip on purchasing that part and look for a safer option. Choosing a part that is one hundred percent will ensure that there is no further damage to your appliance as well as that you are not putting anyone in danger.

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Article Author Details

Isaac Brunt