How to do Spider Curls: Form, Tips, and Arm Workout

How to do Spider Curls

Arm workout without spider curl is incomplete. It is a very effective exercise for muscle building. In this article, we will talk about spider curls, their different forms, and how the training can be done.

To learn more, read this article thoroughly. 

What are spider curls?

The spider curl is an appropriate exercise that targets your arm muscles, mainly your biceps. To get effective results, do spider curls by resting your torso in front of an inclined bench, setting it to a 45-degree angle, or buying a spider curl bench designed explicitly for biceps exercise. Just like concentration curl, spider curls require a slow, controlled movement from beginning to end.

Once you learn the dumbbell spider curl, use a different type of free weight, including an EZ bar with angled grips or using a barbell. Spider curl is a great biceps exercise that should be included in a bodybuilding routine. You can perform spider curls as a warm-up procedure for another exercise, as it activates your biceps for deadlifts and bench presses.

What part of the Bicep does spider curl work?

Our Bicep consist of two heads; a long head and short head. Both heads start from the shoulder and form a large muscle that connects with the forearm. The forearm can flex and turn according to requirements. When you perform spider curl, The short head of the biceps move.. The short head equalizes the shoulder joint when you lift any heavy loads. The more grounded the short head of the Bicep, the more prominent the capacity your arm needs to lift heavier loads.

What are spider curls best for?

Spider curls are best for functioning the short head of the Bicep. It is crucial as we frequently neglect the short head due to working with the long head. It is not always the fault of life, as he might not be aware of the proper way to work with the biceps.

Thus, if you perform spider curl, it will take care of the short heads of the Bicep and stimulate muscle growth.

Spider curls: short head of the bicep works, keeping them under tension for a longer time, which creates better metabolic stress. All these factors are favorable for strengthening the biceps.

Preacher Curls:  Short heads of the biceps work similar to spider curls. The movement is quite the same, but the form of the spider curl permits a complete range of motion. If you ask which one is best between Spider curls and Preacher curls? Then we would say spider curl is the better option than Preacher curl.

Concentration curls:  long head of the biceps work to build the bicep peak. It is an excellent approach to work with the complete bicep muscle. You may perform spider curl for the short head and concentration curl for the long head.

Hammer Curl: Long head of the Bicep, forearm muscle functions and build grip strength. The strong grips create a better choice compared to the bicep curl. You can pair hammer curl with spider curl to hit both the head of the muscle and forearm muscles.

Zottaman Curl:  Here, both heads of the biceps and brachioradialis muscle of the forearm works. It is a standard curl with a reverse curl to end the movement. Depending on your fitness goals, you may include Zottman curls for an excellent result.

Basically, your main objective in the gym and your arm shape will determine which curl is suitable for you. If you are a beginner, then start with spider curl and preacher curl.

How do you do spider curls?

Generally, spider curl is performed with a barbell; however, you can opt EZ bar and dumbbells. If you have one arm weaker than the other, dumbbell spider curl is a suitable option. You can strengthen weaker muscles through a spiral curl to bring about the required symmetry.

Spider Curl: Proper form

  • Position yourself with your middle squeezed against the bench, with your chest at the highest point of the cushion.
  • Hold the dumbbells with palms facing up
  • Once on the top, stop for a few seconds to press the bicep muscle before lowering it down to the previous condition
  • Maintain an even tempo throughout the entire exercise

Tips to get assured success while performing spider curls

  • Maintain a slow and even tempo
  • Practice with flat grip for better muscular activation
  • Lift heavy loads with forearms
  • Hold a rigid torso
  • Don’t forget to do squeezes
  • Make grip adjustment.

For biceps exercise, you need better gripping strength. To enhance your gripping capacity, use the best hand grip strengthener,which helps you to improve your gripping power gradually. Thus you can perform spiral curl in a better way.

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Article Author Details

Irshad Alam

Irshad Alam is a writer and blogger, and a professional interested in sharing interesting ideas with the world. His blogs give a peek into things that aim to inform, enrich and entertain the readers. He loves sharing views on anything that provides value to the readers and helps broaden their horizon.