Eyes are the window to our soul. They can express emotions that even words can’t. Sometimes, one can tell how tired one is by looking at someone’s eyes. With age, wrinkles and crows-feet begin to appear. It can also cause eyelids to sag, which can lead to puffy eyes. This can make one look tired and older. Bhlepharoplasty Toronto or eyelid surgery, can target the hooded appearance of the eye and refresh one’s look. This procedure can be carried out on upper and lower eyelids or one, depending on your aesthetic concern. If this a procedure that has been on your mind, we are here to tell you about it. This will help you to make an informed decision. 

Who is a good candidate for eyelid surgery?

One can’t choose to undergo a cosmetic surgery just because they want to. One has to qualify as a good candidate. There are certain criterions that need to be met. For one ot undergo any cosmetic procedure, they should be in good overall health. The surgeon will carry out a thorough health analysis during the course. An ideal candidate should have undereyebags and sagging present under the eyes. The procedure can help to target that. 

How does the procedure work?

The eyelid surgery is customized to meet the requirements and goals of the patient. It will be designed keeping in mind the skin and fat adjustment required. The procedure begins by putting the patient under general anesthesia. In the upper eyelid lift, thin incisions are made close to the lower lash line or the eyelid crease. The incision is well hidden. The surgeon will remove the right amound of tissue required to achieve smoother eyelids. 

When it comes to lower eyelid surgery, there are two methods from which the surgeon can choose. The technique chosen is dependent on your aesthetic goals, anatomy and concern being targeted. When someone who is younger who has undereye bags, the transconjunctival approach is followed. In this technique, the surgeon makes a small incision inside the lid to remove the fat. It helps to smoothen the eye bags. There is no visible scarring. When the client is a bit older and has fine lines and wrinkles, they can benefit from the subciliary approach. In this method, a thin incision is created closer to the lower eyelash. It enables the surgeon to trim away and reduce the puffiness. The scar becomes nearly invisible once it has healed. 

Can the surgery permanently remove the wrinkles around the eyes?

During blepharoplasty procedure, the skin in the lower eyelids is tighten which reduces eyebags. It also leads to reduction of excessive skin in the upper eyelid. Though the results would be long-lasting, but they aren’t permanent. The eyelid skin is the thinnest. Age and stress does have an impact on it. As one begins to age, the laxity of the skin would be impacted. However, if there is fat removal, then the results are permanent. Once the fat has been removed, it would not return. 

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Article Author Details

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.